Chapter 190: Candlelit Dinners

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Zane had planned a special evening for Elena, one filled with romance and surprises. He had transformed their dining room into a haven of elegance, with soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the room. The table was adorned with fresh flowers and fine china, and a bottle of their favorite wine stood ready to be uncorked.

Elena had been in awe of the effort Zane had put into creating this enchanting atmosphere. She wore a beautiful, flowing dress that accentuated her every curve, and her eyes sparkled with anticipation. Zane, in a well-fitted suit, couldn't take his eyes off her.

As they sat down at the table, their fingers brushed, sending shivers of electricity up their spines. Zane poured the wine, his movements deliberate and graceful. He raised his glass for a toast, and their eyes locked in a silent, heartfelt moment before they clinked glasses.

The first course arrived, a delicate seafood dish that danced on their taste buds. Zane had chosen each course carefully, knowing Elena's favorites and surprising her with new flavors to explore together. Between bites, they exchanged sweet nothings, lost in their own world.

As the evening progressed, their conversation deepened, covering everything from dreams and aspirations to cherished memories. They laughed, they reminisced, and they held hands across the table, reaffirming their love with each touch.

After dessert, Zane had another surprise in store. He stood up, walked over to a corner of the room, and picked up his guitar. With a soft, melodic strum, he began to play a tune that was special to them, a song that had become their anthem of love.

Elena's heart swelled as she listened to the familiar chords, and she couldn't help but smile. Zane sang the lyrics with passion and sincerity, his gaze never leaving hers. It was a serenade of love, a testament to the depth of their feelings for each other.

As the final notes of the song faded away, Zane set the guitar aside and returned to Elena's side. He took her hand and led her to a small, cozy corner of the room where a plush couch awaited. They sank into it together, wrapped in each other's arms.

With the last of the candles flickering in the background, they shared a lingering kiss, sealing this unforgettable evening of love and romance. It was a night they would treasure, a memory etched into their hearts forever.

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