Chapter 105: Culinary Love

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The following day, as the morning sun bathed their home in a warm glow, Elena woke up determined to show her love and appreciation for Zane. After the harrowing events of the previous night, she wanted to pamper him and make him feel cherished.

With a soft smile, she slipped out of bed and padded into the kitchen. There, she began her mission of culinary delight. The aroma of fresh coffee filled the air as she brewed a pot, knowing Zane's love for the rich, dark elixir.

Her steps were light and purposeful as she gathered ingredients for a hearty breakfast. Crisp bacon sizzled in a pan, sending tantalizing fragrances wafting through the air. Eggs crackled as they hit the hot surface, and she expertly flipped them, aiming for that perfect sunny-side-up finish that Zane adored.

While the eggs cooked, she prepared a vibrant fruit salad, carefully slicing ripe, juicy strawberries, sweet kiwis, and succulent mangoes. The colors were a vivid contrast to the calm, muted tones of the morning, a reflection of her love for Zane.

As the final touches came together, Elena couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. She knew that Zane was a man of many talents, but in the kitchen, she reigned supreme. Her culinary creations were a labor of love, and today was no exception.

With a tray laden with breakfast delights, she made her way to their bedroom, her heart light and her footsteps silent. The sight that greeted her warmed her soul-a drowsy Zane, his eyes still heavy with sleep, but a soft smile playing on his lips as he saw the feast she had prepared.

She set the tray down carefully, her fingers grazing his cheek as she leaned in to place a gentle kiss on his lips. "Good morning, my love," she whispered.

Zane's eyes sparkled with appreciation as he took in the spread before him. "You truly are amazing, Elena," he murmured, his voice filled with gratitude.

They ate together in the cocoon of their love, the flavors of the food mingling with their whispered words and shared smiles. It wasn't just a meal; it was a celebration of their enduring love and the unwavering support they gave each other through life's trials.

As they savored every bite, Zane couldn't help but feel blessed. He knew he had found not only a soulmate but a partner who would stand by his side, even in the darkest of times.

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