~ Chapter 3: Lie and Lie again ~

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Sun looked up, hands over his sunrays as he looked..."Is Moon finally back?..." he wondered to himself. Pondering, as always. The presence was familiar. Felt familiar. Like...someone he knew, a warmth came over his core when he saw the face. It was Moon. "M-Moon!" the slightly-panicked Sun called out, holding his arms out for a hug as he jumped to his feet...that smile seeming just a bit more genuine. The other hugged him tightly. They embraced each other with longing, a friendship they both held dear. Neither wished to part with the other, not now...not ever. Never again.

They were whole.

Moon looked down to Sun, his smile worn on his faceplate as always...seeing Sun's eyes light up the moment he stepped into the room. Their hug lasted for an eternity, it felt like. And...Moon gently ran his hand down Sun's face when they parted, yet did not step away from each other. "...Sorry" he mumbled to Sun...apologising for having to leave. For having to fulfil his duties as security. Sun did not seem to care, placing a hand over Moon's hand...that same warmth filling his core the more he looked into those scarlet eyes. "It's okay...y-you didn't mean to leave! you had to, friend...it......was never your fault! o-okay? so...stop blaming yourself!" Sun reassured, his peppy attitude coming to surface as he leaned forward slightly.

The two placed their foreheads together, closing their eyes gently...just enjoying the company the other brought. It was times like these it seemed they were in love...but, the two did not feel that way. They simply saw each other as siblings. Family. Precious family. Family that needed protecting, and protect they would. "...Sorry......you know how I get..." Moon mumbled, looking away slightly. He always did refuse Sun's happy advice, that smile of his seeming less and less genuine by the day and by each night. Yet...Moon never wished to say a word about it. He wanted Sun to see him at his best, never at his worst. He wanted to be there for Sun. Yet he did not understand...Sun would be there for him too.

"Moon...is......is something wrong?" Sun hesitated in his words, fumbling with them slightly...a worried tone taking over his voice box and forcing itself out quietly. He saw the signs as much as Moon did. He could see it. The unhappiness. But Moon simply held the side of his faceplate gently...pulling back as he always did. Moon was avoiding the question. "I'm alright, Sun...nothing you need to worry about..." he would reassure, making eye contact with Sun...who looked up at him with worry in his own eyes. "...Moony, please. You know I'm here to help......so why do you refuse what you need most?" he couldn't help it...he was worried about his counterpart, worried about Moon. But as always...

"...I don't need help, Sun......I'll be okay..." Moon would lie.

~ Chapter 3 End ~

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