~ Chapter 10: It's just a game, is it not? =) ~

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There was ultimately no reason for Sun to agree to such an arrangement. Afterall, he himself did say that he was not going to be all 'buddy-buddy' with Glamrock Chica...though, he found a sense of interest in the idea. The intent was unclear, even to himself, yet Sun knew what he was going to do. He knew Moon wouldn't like it...

...But who was he to care? it was just a 'game'...was it not?

So, the hide and seek game began. This time Moon was the seeker with Sun and Glamrock Chica each taking off to different corners of the daycare's play area to hide. Sun knew Moon's first priority would be to check the structures, so he did not bother going there. He could've told the chicken this but...no, that would be too kind even to his standards. It took a while but eventually the first round concluded after Moon found Glamrock Chica on the middle layer of the left play structure and Sun in one of the castle-like towers behind the ball-pit. As luck would have it, it was Sun's turn to seek next...and oh how predictable she was. These two first rounds had only been a social experiment of sorts to Sun though; his goal had not been to win the game by hiding the longest or finding everyone as quickly as possible, no. His goal had been to determine how Glamrock Chica thought...he wanted to know every possibility, every flaw; what was this timid chicken hiding in those processing chips of hers? well...Sun had a pretty good idea now.

The next round it was Glamrock Chica's turn to seek and Sun knew just what to do. He had noticed that she usually glanced over to whoever was the other hider and he'd noticed how her hiding spots had been inspired by theirs. Glamrock Chica usually hid around the area wherever the other person hid in the round prior, this was easy for him to note. So...this time he hid in the ball-pit itself, the deepest depths of it right down to the bottom. It was the deepest pit of the ball-pit where no child had ever dared to go; it was deep enough to conceal his entire height...which was a lot, considering how tall he was.

As predicted, Glamrock Chica soon entered the ball-pit and began to search. Oh how fun this would be...Sun thought, as he knew just what would happen. He just needed her leg to shift a little bit closer to his current position...he could already hear the movement growing closer. Moon wouldn't like it, no...but in this moment, did Sun care? no. No he did not. Usually he would've, though there was something different in the air this night; it felt cold, yet oddly inviting to Sun. So he listened.

...Oh how much of a mistake that'd turn out to be, but oh well. Who was he to care? it was like he couldn't even think for himself.

I wonder...why?

Silence in the daycare.

Not a word was spoken, just the quiet sound of the contents of the ball-pit moving; shuffling around meaningfully although they had no words, they were just objects.

The air felt...heavy. How ironic for a place such as this; a daycare of joy, joyous music transmitting over the intercom endlessly in the background, quiet only because it was the night-time and not the day.

Just one movement closer and...


A shrill sound erupted from the ball-pit's deepest depths, it was something of a robotic shriek. Who's was it though? was it Moon's? no, he was not even close to the ball-pit as he was hidden over by the security desk where he knew no-one would check as it was such a simple, menial place. Was it Sun's? no...why would it be?

It was hers.

~ Chapter 10 End ~

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