~ Chapter 6: Importance ~

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Sun would sit alone, keeping himself hauled-up in the daycare, never really leaving. He'd never really stepped a foot outside...not even a fingertip of his had touched what lay beyond the daycare. He never left. He was comfortable here. Though, Sun did worry...he paced back and forth; thinking about Moon...wondering what would happen now. What would happen now? he often asked himself the question, but no answer came...just silence. It was what Sun worried about the most; the silence.

It was too quiet.

Why was it quiet? how was it quiet? was anyone even there?

Sun mimicked a sharp inhale, eventually going downstairs to the main play area. He organised the lot of it...and he didn't stop there, he went ahead and took out a broom from a nearby closet and he began sweeping the floor. Sun just had to distract himself, he had to. He could not sit idly by while everyone else did things that felt...important. He wanted to be...important. The thought churned and turned, rattling around in his processors as he cleaned up a non-existent mess...a mere projection onto the floor; a projection from a memory. Sun knew himself to be important, but...was he really?

The Glamrocks always got the big, fancy stage...they always got the attention; why was it everyone only saw him as a mere babysitter? well, not everyone...Moon at least cared. Though Sun doubted anyone else did, all the humans did was dump their kids off into the play area and while it was nice to interact with them and play games with them. It wasn't enough for him. He kept sweeping the floor, pondering this and not keeping track of the time. Sun imitated sharp breath after sharp breath, stressing himself out...and over what? a silly thought?

Eventually he sat himself down, still pondering it and trying his best to imitate deep breaths to quell the growing mass; the heavy burden that didn't even exist. He just wanted...to feel important. Sun wanted to be like them...he wanted the attention, was it so selfish to think that? was it too much to ask? to want something for his own? eventually his sunrays retracted a little and he thought to write this down, so he took out his journal and started scribbling sentence after sentence. Sun wrote it all down...he knew not to dwell on it too much but he couldn't help it; he felt too alone when Moon wasn't here. Though he felt...things were already difficult enough for Moon, so he thought he shouldn't burden him with this.

Yes. That's what he'd do. He'd keep this to himself...no need to burden Moon.

Perhaps it was hypocritical to urge Moon to ask for help but to not seek it himself, but Sun wasn't thinking of that right now...he was just thinking about what he thought was best. Sun finished writing and he put the journal away, calm at last; though he went straight back to cleaning. Cleaning made him feel like he was at least doing something, something important. He just wanted...importance. He wanted to be something other than a mere babysitter, for that? he partly envied Moon. Moon got to go out, why didn't he? why couldn't he?

Sun imitated a huff, hunting the play castle at the back of the play area in order to find any loose ball-pit balls, chucking them back into the ball-pit when he found one. He knew it was menial and unimportant, but at least it stimulated his desire to feel as if he was doing a great job. If the Glamrock Gang got to put on a fancy performance on a fancy stage, why didn't Sun get to do that anymore?

~ Chapter 6: End ~

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