~ Chapter 9: Hide & Seek? ~

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Such a simple word, yet the way in which Sun said it had sounded a little harsh. He did not mean it though, he was trying his best to be friendly; he knew Moon would want it. The two shook hands: the chicken and the sun, the movement being slightly forceful as Glamrock Chica gave a nervous smile and Sun gave a rather forced one. He still did not like her...not one bit, though she didn't have to know that, did she? no she did not. There was a tension in the air that one could cut with a knife should they have one. Such a simple moment seemed to last such a long time but eventually Sun let go and retracted his hand, folding his arms in the process. Sun was tapping his foot a little; an impatience habit he'd gained overtime, working in a daycare with minimal rest days was unideal...even more unideal considering the fact that their boss was that dreaded, Glamrock bear.

Both Sun and Moon had walked back over to Glamrock Chica after their little discussion and in the current moment, Moon was lightly patting Sun's right shoulder to try soothe him a little. He knew how agitated Sun could get sometimes...especially when it came to the Glamrocks. It was almost like being around a slightly-more patient version of Monty, though, one with twice the amount of rage should such rage be let out.

No wonder why their room was such a mess sometimes.

Glamrock Chica said nothing after the handshake, only shuffling her feet slightly with her head tilted downwards. She was quite nervous, it would seem...though rightfully so. Moon spoke up next in order to fill out the silence that had come between the three of them, he thought it'd be wise to try to mediate the situation and calm down all the tension. This was not going to be easy though...he knew that; so his next words came softly "...So...how about a game of hide & seek?" It was such a simple request, something so simple yet so...trivial, at least in this moment it was. The suggestion of a game did not fall on deaf audio processors though, Sun tilted his head in Moon's direction and gave a sly look. He was considering it, at least. That was a good sign. Right?

Glamrock Chica timidly looked up at the two and spoke very quietly, her voice almost a murmur "...I-I'm not opposed t-to the idea." Upon hearing her voice, Sun's glare shifted to Glamrock Chica and he gave a slight hum of acknowledgement. The glare made the chicken shiver slightly as if something cold was just dropped onto her back, though Sun soon lightened up a little (pun not intended). Sun's permanent smile seemed a little comforting now instead of the harsh, forced one it had been before. Both Sun and Moon could only ever emote with their eyes or body language, though even with just that...Sun could be quite intimidating when he wanted to be. It was ironic to the two; most people thought that Moon would be the scary one, though...

...facades were easy to put up when well-practiced, weren't they?

"Fine, we'll play this little...game, of sorts. Yes?" Sun replied, the words being paired with a slight tilt to his head as Moon nodded quietly. This was going to be something truly...fun...maybe.

~ Chapter 9 End... ~

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