~ Chapter 7: Meeting Chica ~

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Eventually Moon returned from his walk, sighing as he sat himself in one of the chairs at the security desk. He put his feet up without regard for the underpaid human staff that barely did their jobs anyways; he didn't care for them...why would he? they didn't care for him or Sun. He'd lost track of time, not really paying much attention to his surroundings and he was still avoiding talking to Sun. He did not wish to open up that can of worms, not yet. Though, Moon heard a peculiar knock at the door that led to the play area...so he unseated himself with a small, imitated grumble and he unlocked the door.

Outside stood none other than Glamrock Chica, a shy and timid chicken who was approximately half a foot shorter than him at a height of 6'8. She was fiddling with her hands, her light blue eyes looking to her hands then to Moon's face before looking back down again. The Glamrock chicken imitated a small clearing of her throat; her voice quiet but caring...as if she wanted to try her best to succeed in whatever it is she dreamt of. "I-I uh...hi? I-I'm......well, I-I don't know if you-" Glamrock Chica started with a stutter, sighing before she folded her arms shyly and continued to avoid Moon's tired glare.

Moon simply stepped back, gesturing for her to enter as she muttered a greeting under her non-existent breath. He folded his own arms once she'd shuffled her way inside, lingering beside the door as if unsure whether to continue the conversation now that she'd been allowed entry. Moon closed the wooden door, looking to Glamrock Chica with his tired, but interested glare. He was curious to see what the chicken wanted, it was not often that one of the Glamrocks bothered to come down to the daycare...it was only really Montgomery Gator who cared to visit. The gator usually visited for an hour or two to check up on Moon, he'd seen Moon sulking one day on patrol and their unlikely friendship had stemmed from there.

"I-I'm sorry for b-bothering you but, I-I uh...wanted to say hi..." Glamrock Chica continued, her eyes still flitting to Moon's eyes then to the floor again as if she was nervous in his presence. She seemed kind enough so Moon placed his hand upon the security desk, leaning against it a little as he tapped rhythmically. It was only then did he make his response to her greeting with his tired tone "...You aren't bothering, you're welcome to visit...just don't break the rules." he directed her to the childishly-drawn rule board Sun had set up ages ago for the daycare. The rules included the typical ones of: no pooping on the floor! play nice! share! do not hurt others! and a few other joke ones Sun and Moon had written over the few years they'd existed. The joke rules were mainly the two having fun and berating each other in jest; both had consented to it and saw no issue to it.

The Glamrock chicken gave a small chuckle when she saw the joke rules, finding it slightly amusing that the two seemed to be well-bonded. Moon could tell that perhaps this would be a good friendship...

...And then in came Sun from the back of the room

~ Chapter 7: End ~

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