~ Chapter 8: Tension In The Air ~

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He didn't know why the chicken was there, nor did he know much of who she was. All he knew...is that she was one of them. Sun knew that Glamrock Chica was one of them, one of the main band; the four animatronics that drew money and guests into The Pizzaplex. What grudge did he have against them? well, it may seem childish...but Sun hated how they got all the attention while he and Moon got barely any. He despised it. In Sun's eyes, Roxanne Wolf and Montgomery Gator were the only two of the main band that were somewhat acceptable as friends. Sun did not know anything about Glamrock Chica though...she could be with him. Heaven forbid she be with him.

That Glamrock bear was The Pizzaplex's biggest nuisance...everyone knew it. So when Sun noticed Moon hanging out with Glamrock Chica? he assumed the worst; assuming she was with him. Sun marched himself right on over to the two, who were looking at the silly rule board he'd set up ages ago, and he tapped Moon on the shoulder to alert him of his presence. Once Moon turned around, Sun cleared his throat in a dramatic sort of way as he wanted to assert his commanding, superior presence in the room. Moon turned around and folded his arms, calmly tilting his head and speaking a question to his upset counterpart "You...alright there, Sunny? you seem stressed...what's gotten your rays in a twist this time, hm?"

The Glamrock chicken nervously stood beside Moon at a small distance away from him, sensing that there was some sort of tension going on and so she was trying not to get involved. Sun glanced over to her before pulling Moon's arm and leading him aside; she did not need to overhear this. He took Moon over to the ball-pit in order to ensure Glamrock Chica did not hear, the chicken did not follow them anyways as she was much too afraid to get involved. Moon was surprised by the sudden dragging and so he nudged Sun's hand, eventually getting it off of his arm. "...Alright, what's up? you never usually act this upset over nothing, Sun. Please tell me what is wrong," Moon demanded at last, having enough of Sun's childish attitude; he had been having a decent conversation with someone new...what was so wrong with that?

"She could be with him! we don't know if she's some kind of spy or not, I don't trust her!" Sun exclaimed, trying to keep his voice in a whisper so that Glamrock Chica did not hear but he did yell a little; a whisper yell. He did not trust Glamrock Chica one bit, Moon could see that so he simply placed a hand onto his counterpart's shoulder in attempt to calm him. "Sun, calm down...she was simply being nice and dropping by to say hello, you can't just assume everyone is sided with-" Moon started, Sun interrupting him louder than he had intended to "Don't say his name in this daycare!" When the sun animatronic had finished yelling he huffed, folding his own arms and looking away from Moon. He felt slightly ashamed that he'd lost his temper like that but he had his opinion to share; surely his counterpart would pardon the outburst. Glamrock Chica did look over to the two as she heard Sun yell, but then she timidly looked away as she did not want to intrude upon their conflict.

Moon glanced over to the shy chicken then looked back to Sun with a sigh of his own, trying to calm him again. He just wanted that happy, loveable Sun back. "...Sunny, please. Just calm down, it is okay, can't we just...give her a chance?"

"...Fine. But don't expect me to be all 'buddy-buddy' with her...got it?"

"Understood..." Moon ran his thumb over one of Sun's rays, forgiving him for the outburst and acknowledging his wants. He knew Sun was very vocal about his opinion when he wanted to be. Though...he hoped Sun would not take his disapproval too far this time...

~ Chapter 8 End ~

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