Chapter Two: A Most Horrible Punishment

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I stared at the sight before me, as I walked into the kitchen the very next morning. Eli, Michelle, and Michael were all sitting at the table eating cereal – Coco Puffs. This was the last sight in the world that I ever thought that I’d see. They looked like a – I dare say – family.

“Good morning,” I said awkwardly. They all glanced up at me, as I poured a cup of orange juice.

“You don’t have any coffee, do you?” Eli asked curiously.

“I can make a pot,” I said pulling the coffee pot out from behind the toaster.

“Never mind I don’t drink instant,” Eli said brushing me off. Michael rolled his eyes. What a snob! I don’t drink instant. He had some nerve to say such a thing.

“Fine,” I huffed. “Michael! Hurry up before you’re late to school.”

“I wouldn’t be running late, if Michelle didn’t take such a long shower,” Michael said,, as he tossed his bowl in the sink. “Why are you guys even here? Oh yeah because she burned your house down. Hey! While I’m gone, try not to burn ours down too.”

With that said, Michael walked out of the kitchen. He grabbed his keys and was out of the door in a flash. Michelle sucked her teeth as she pushed her bowl into the sink. That was when I realized she was fully dressed. I was so confused. Where was she going? She was suspended from school.

“Dad, can I have twenty dollars?” Michelle asked, holding her hand out to Eli.

“I don’t have any money on me,” Eli said. “Remember my wallet burned up in the fire.”

“Caleb?” she said turning towards me.

“What do you need twenty dollars for?” I asked curiously.

“I just need it,” Michelle said without any further explanation.

“For what?” I retorted. I don’t just give money out like Eli does. I’m not that kind of dad nor am I rich.

“So I can hang out with my friends,” Michelle said. I nearly choked I was laughing so hard.

“Friends? You’re not going anywhere,” I chuckled. “You’re grounded.”

“That’s not fair,” Michelle said glancing at Eli. “Dad!”

“As long as you’re under my roof, you abide by my rules,” I said raising my voice a little. “You are grounded – so go upstairs to your room and read a book.”

“I hate you,” Michelle said stomping upstairs to her room.

“You could have backed me up,” I said staring at Eli.

“You know she’s just going to leave anyways,” Eli said, not even looking at me. “There’s no point.”

“Well I don’t know how you run things at your house, but that doesn’t work here,” I said rushing upstairs. I stomped all the way  upstairs to Michelle’s room, just in time to see her trying to sneak out the window. I pulled her back in and slammed the window shut. I locked it closed, as she rolled back onto her bed.

“This bites,” She said.

“Michelle, what is your problem? Speak to me,” I said sitting her down. “You never used to be like this. Is it because of your father and I? Is it because we got a divorce?”

“It has nothing to do with you guys,” Michelle said.

“Then what? Tell me I love you and care about you,” I said.

“It happened when you and dad separated,” Michelle said. “Dad was angry and lonely. He used to bring different guys home and one of them -”  

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