Chapter Eight: The Most Horrible Company

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“Mom – I didn’t know you guys would be coming up here,” Eli said sitting on the couch. “Why didn’t you call?

That was the question that was on my mind as well. It was so typical of his parents to show up unannounced and barge in. They could have at least knocked before they came into Eli’s bedroom. Call me old-fashioned but Eli’s an adult – What if they had walked in on us doing much more? Now, we had to awkwardly explain what we were doing making out on the floor like kids considering we are technically divorced.

Were we reconciling? Rekindling the old flame? Or is this just some steamy hot fuck out of sheer boredom?

I’m sure Mrs. Mancini preferred the latter option. The woman hated my guts – talk about mother in law from hell. I blame her for all of Eli’s bad traits. Eli’s father, on the other hand, was the sweetest man. I don’t know how in the hell he ended up with such a devil for a wife. God – her presence – makes my physically sick.

She’s one of the reasons why Eli and I divorced in the first place.

“Well its noon and I figured you would be awake,” Mrs. Mancini said casting a dirty eye on me.

“Well I was up late last night, mom,” he retorted. “Why are you even here?”

“We came to visit our grandchildren,” Mr. Mancini pitched in. “Instead, we come to find you two in reconciliation and our grandkids nowhere to be found.”

“There probably out on the beach,” I said.

“Yeah and Caleb and I weren’t reconciling anything,” Eli snorted. “He and I were just fooling around.”

Hold on just a minute. Did he just say what I think he just said? Fooling around? I guess he also preferred the latter option. Is that all it was too him? It was just sex. Even if it was just that – he had some nerve to tell his mother, my mortal enemy, that. God – What am I just some plaything?

“Fooling around, Eli? That’s all it was to you,” I retorted. “What am I just some toy you can play around with whenever you feel like it?”

“That’s not what I meant,” Eli said his eyes wide at me. “Caleb, can we talk about this later?”

“No,” I huffed. “We’re not talking about this later, Eli. We’re going to talk about this right now.”

“Eli, you really need to choose your words carefully,” Mrs. Mancini replied. For once, I actually agreed with Eli’s mother and that never happened like ever.

“Honey! Let’s go! They obviously need some time to talk,” Mr. Mancini said pulling her out onto the deck. “Let’s find Mikey and Michie.”

Mr. Mancini was always on my side with these things. God, I couldn’t believe Eli had said that in front of his parents. He and I are just fooling around. I thought we were actually getting along for once in our lives. He always ruins things. God, this was so typical of Eli.

So freaking typical.

“Why did you do that?” Eli groaned running his fingers through his hair. “In front of my mother and everything – God.”

“Why did I do? You were the one who told her that we were just fooling around,” I huffed.

“Caleb,” Eli said as I walked away from him. “Caleb! Don’t walk away from me!”

I rushed up the stairs, slamming my bedroom door shut in his face. I locked it, as he jingled the handle. I didn’t want to talk to him. Yes, I was being childish, but he was being a dick. I opened my drawers as I threw my suitcase on top of my bed. I am leaving. I am getting the hell out of here. I wouldn’t be used again. I shoved clothes inside of the suitcase, angrily. Just as the suitcase was near full, Eli grabbed my arm.

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