Chapter Nine: One Horrible Idea

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I tried. I really did. I really tried to be on my best behavior because that’s what Eli asked me to do. He asked me to play nice with James and his mother and I made a valid attempt –even put a little time and effort in to please them. But they just pushed my buttons and I had it. 

You can only push me for so long before I snap. James made me snap like an alligator. The turd was too clingy for my taste. He was all over Eli. He followed him like a lost puppy and even insisted on sleeping in Eli’s room. I know Eli and I aren’t together. I know he and I are separated and we’re still trying to figure this thing out but that didn’t mean it was ok for Eli to have this toddler in his room. God, the kid was a spoiled brat who did not know what the word no means. No was a fucking foreign concept to him. 

I wanted to murder James. I wanted to kill him, chop him up into tiny pieces and dispose of his body in the closest river. 

But James was nothing compared to Eli’s mother. Eli’s mother was nothing new to me. She had been a witch when we were married but she had gotten significantly witch-ier - if that’s even a word- since our divorce. Everything that came out her mouth was sarcastic. She hated me more so than before. 

God and I even gave her grandchildren – not the conventional way, but she still had grandkids. You think she’d be a little more appreciative of the sperm that I gave. 

“Dad – This James has got to go,” Michael complained. “If he doesn’t leave, we have got to go.”

“Tell me about it,” I sighed. “But what did he do?”

“Nothing directly towards me but it’s disgusting the way he’s all over Eli,” Michael said. “It’s sickening. He was giving him a handy out on the beach, while Michelle and I were out there with our friends. Do you how embarrassing that is?”

“Fucking Eli,” I growled. “That fucking bastard. He means nothing to me. I can’t believe I listened to him. When I see him, I swear to god –“

“Uh Dad,” Michael said, cutting me off of my rant. “Just do something.”

“Don’t worry I will,” I huffed storming out of my bedroom. This had gone too far. I had it up to here with this James. He was rude, annoying, bratty and now he was trying to steal Eli away from me. James was about to see a side of me that he never wished for – the little bastard. I stomped outside on to the deck, marching out onto the beach. 

At this point, everything that Eli had told me about his mother working for James’ dad company was out the door with the last shred of decency in my body. I could honestly careless about him or his mother. And why the hell was Eli letting this James kiss him, sleep in his room, and all of that jazz? He claims loves me. He’s got one hell of a way of showing it. 

My eyes flickered across the sandy beach, searching for Eli and James. James was sitting on top of Eli’s stomach, grinning like a fool. I bit my lip as I approached the two of them. Eli’s eyes immediately, fell onto mine, as he pushed James off of him. I cleared my throat as James tried to get up. 

It seems Eli thinks he could have dinner and dessert too. It didn’t work like that – I don’t work like that. 

“Eli – you and I – need to talk right now,” I said in between a clenched jaw. Steam was flowing out of my ears at this point. I hadn’t felt this way since he and I were married. 

“Eli and I are kind of – “James began but I cut him off quick. 

“You’re not now,” I huffed grabbing Eli’s arm and pulling him into the opposite direction of James. James didn’t even say anything back. I’m glad too or else he would have gotten a fist into his throat. 

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