Chapter Fifteen: A Most Horrible Masked Figure

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“Daniel!” I called out as I pulled into my driveway. He completely ignored him, walking back into his house. What was his deal? It was Eli who had been rude to him, not me. I sighed as I slammed my car door shut, crossing over to his yard. Just as I was a step over into his property, Eli rushed out of the house towards me, grabbing my arm and pulling me back into our – I mean my yard like I was some sort of child. I jerked my arm away from him, as he pushed me into the house.

“I forbid you from speaking to that guy,” Eli said as if he had some kind of authority over me. I rolled my eyes at him.

“I’m a grown man,” I huffed. “I can see and talk to whomever I want.”

“Yeah you can,” Eli said casually. “You just can’t talk to him.”

“Eli, you’re not the boss of me,” I growled. “I’m not a child.”

“Well, I’m sick and tired of you bossing me around,” Eli growled. “As your boyfriend, I don’t want you to talking to that guy and if you do, I’ll hold out on you.”

“Yeah right,” I huffed rolling my eyes at that statement. Hold out on me? He was practically begging for sex just yesterday and he’s going to hold out on me. Ha! I’d love to see the day that I come crawling on my hands and knees to get a piece of Eli. I would never stoop so low – Hell. I don’t even stoop period. What did he mean boyfriend? Since when? When had we officially defined our relationship because I wasn’t aware he and I were boyfriends.

“You’ve been warned,” Eli said mysteriously. What did that even mean? I’ve been warned. Eli couldn’t do anything to me. He had no control over me. I wear the pants in this damn relationship. I was the top for god’s sake, aside from the two or three times I wasn’t. But other than that, I was the dominate one. I control Eli. He’s my bitch. It’s not the other way around. It’s never been.

So, after Eli said that, I went about my business for the rest day, not even worrying about his empty threats. I mean what’s the worse Eli could do to me? I was prepared for anything or so I thought.

When I went to take my bath that afternoon, I walked into the bathroom to see a very naked Eli sitting in the tub. He knows this was my bath time – my personal relaxation time. It was every day at four o’ clock, exactly a half an hour when I get home from work. He was testing me. That’s what he was doing.

“Get out,” I growled clutching my towel. “You know this is my time.”

“I didn’t know we had specific times, Caleb,” Eli shrugged as he lowered himself further into the tub. “You see I would get out, but I don’t think you want the tub right now. I kind of shaved my pubes.”

“Fucking asshole,” I muttered underneath my breath as I slammed the bathroom door shut behind me. “You better bleach that tub when you are finished. I don’t even want to see a strand of hair in it.”

“Sure babe,” Eli called out as I stormed off into my room. Looks like I wouldn’t be bathing today. I could go one day without a bath. Eli hadn’t won. He couldn’t break me. I was perfectly fine with this. I pulled out my Memoirs of a Geisha book, flipping to the part that I had left off at. I sifted through the pages, amazed by the lives of Geisha’s. Asians sure knew how to make prostitutes seem classy.

Just as I was about to finish the chapter, Eli hopped into bed beside me, flicking the TV on.

“Do you mind?” I said glaring at him.

“Do you?” he retorted as he turned the volume up. I hit him in the head with the book angrily. I tend to get violent, when I’m upset. Eli completely ignored me. That was extremely annoying.

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