Chapter Twelve: A Most Horrible Therapy Session

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I sat next to Eli in the small waiting room. He and I were the only two here, besides the secretary. I can’t believe Eli had convinced me to do this with him. I was already regretting coming here and we hadn’t even started yet. Couples therapy? All therapists are crocks! Therapy doesn’t really work. I express my feelings to Eli all day long in a loud usually angry voice. That’s communication right there. We didn’t need therapy. 

I nearly jumped out of my seat, when the door opened and Dr. Reed let us in. I trailed Eli into her office, debating where I should sit. Just as I was about to sit on a couch, Eli plopped down  on it, kicking his feet up. This was why Eli and I could never do things with each other. He was already pissing me off and we hadn’t even started the damn therapy yet. Instead of arguing with him, I chose to sit in an entirely different seat. I didn’t want to show my true colors on my first day of therapy. 

Dr. Reed smiled us, grabbing a clipboard from her desk, before she sat across from us. 

“Good afternoon,” she began. “I’m Dr. Reed. Eli, It’s a pleasure seeing you again. You must be Caleb?”

“I am,” I replied extending a hand to her. She shook my hand firmly, returning to her clipboard quickly. I shifted in my seat. I wonder what Eli had told her about our relationship or even us in general. 

“Why did you decide to come to couple’s therapy?” she asked her eyes immediately searching for ours. Before I could say anything, Eli jumped in. 

“Well, Caleb and I are divorced,” Eli began. “We’re working to get back together, and we just don’t want to make the same mistakes we made the first time. He and I both agree – “

“We aren’t working together! Hell, I didn’t agree on anything,” I chimed in. “Don’t put my name into this.”

“Caleb – you’ll have your turn to speak, but right now I want to get an idea for why each of you decided to come today,” Dr. Reed asked curiously. I rolled my eyes, folding my arms across my chest. 

“Like I was saying,” Eli huffed. “Before I was so rudely interrupted, he and I both agree that our first marriage was a disaster.”

“Caleb,” she ushered allowing me to speak next. “Why did you come today with Eli, if not for similar reasons?”

“I came because I don’t know what I want from Eli,” I sighed. “I don’t know if I want to try this marriage again. Hell, I don’t even know if I want to date him again. I’m honestly confused about my feelings for Eli. Sometimes I love him and sometimes I want to choke him until he passes out.”

“Ok,” Dr. Reed nodded. “I want to try a small exercise in order to get to know you’re relationship better. So, Caleb, I want you to face Eli – make eye contact with him.”

“Do I have to?” I groaned as Dr. Reed chuckled. Eli rolled his eyes as I sat beside him, my eyes flickering onto his. Eli winked at me, as Dr. Reed continued. 

“I want you to tell Eli three things that you like about him,” Dr. Reed said. “And then, Eli will do the same thing afterwards. Don’t break eye contact either.”

I groaned. Three things like I like about Eli. I can tell her three things that I don’t like about him – Hell, more than three things. We’d be here all day if she had asked me that. I sighed as I tried to think of some things, but nothing was really coming to my mind. 

“I like that he’s – “

“Address Eli directly,” Dr. Reed grinned. 

“I like that you’re a hard worker,” I replied. “You’re ambitious I should say.”

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