Chapter Ten: A Most Horrible Drunk

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Things were back to normal at my house after our mini vacation. Eli and Michelle were still living with us until Eli’s insurance check came through – then he could start looking for a new place. Michelle was no longer suspended from school, so she went back. She was actually doing well – I hadn’t received a single disciplinary call from her school in at least a week. That had to be a world record.

I begrudgingly went back to work. Other than that, everything was peachy.

“Caleb,” Eli said walking straight through the front door. “First off, you left the front door open. Secondly, is Michael or Michelle home?”

“I realize that and no,” I replied as Eli locked the door behind him.

“Good because I’m horny,” Eli said grabbing my ass. I jumped instantly from his touch.

“Stop that,” I growled. “I told you I’m not sleeping with you ever again, remember?”

“Yeah, but I thought we moved past that,” Eli asked. “I mean we’re going on a date.”

“Yeah a date? I never said I was going to sleep with you,” I growled. “That’s not a date.”

“I see what you’re doing,” Eli nodded. “You’re playing hard to get.”

“I’m not playing anything, you moron,” I huffed. “Get out of my face. And if you try that again, we won’t be going on any date.”

God, I had to treat Eli like a child. He’s just so stupid sometimes. I feel like he doesn’t understand me at all. For him to think I would sleep with him, right after he fooled around with that James guy, he must have a screw loose. He definitely wasn’t thinking with his brain.

“Alright Caleb,” Eli replied still trailing me like a lost puppy. “I’ll be good. So, how was work today?”

Was he really trying to start small talk with me? He was asking about my day. Eli, living here, is so awkward.

“It was crappy like usual,” I snorted.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Eli replied. I couldn’t tell if he was being genuine or not. I didn’t like nice Eli at all. I wanted the Eli that despised my guts – the one that I got into constant arguments with. I didn’t want this one.

“Aren’t you going to ask me about my day?” Eli asked plopping down beside me.

“Fine – Eli, how was your day?” I asked feeling a tad bit annoyed.

“It was wonderful,” he said. “Thanks for asking. So, since the kids aren’t here, and I told them not to come home for an hour or two, how about you and I go on that date?”

Date? So soon? I thought I would have at least a few days to mentally prepare myself for this. Now I only had a mere hour. Plus, he told our kids they couldn’t come home for an hour? What kind of father does that? I wonder what he told them we were doing or even how he convinced them.

“Date? Right now?” I clarified.

“Yes, Caleb. I want us to go out right now on this day,” Eli retorted in a rather sarcastic manner. “Get dressed.”

“Are you paying?” I said my eyes on his.

“Um – Yeah I guess so,” he shrugged. I smiled at him, walking upstairs to my room to get ready. If he was paying, I was going. I was literally broke from our mini vacation. Eli didn’t chip in for anything. I paid for gas, bought the groceries, gave the kids money sometimes – I don’t have a good high paying job like he does. Plus he asked me out – therefore he pays. That’s just common courtesy.

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