S5 ⭒ Episode Seven

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♪  A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes • Magic Philharmonic Orchestra


Priscilla Wolfe

Halen drives me out of Lovers Valley. We plow through hills of ice in his Thunderbird, and even though it snows, I sit in the passenger's seat with the window cracked to watch the flakes fall. My bundled fur coat and hat keep me warm. As does the hot chocolate we stop for; Halen's treat.

When we sit in traffic, he steals marshmallow flavored kisses and has a few sips that soak into his mustache and make him smell like rich chocolate and fresh peppermint. He swipes his finger into the whipped cream on top and I suck it off of his leather glove, earning myself another warming glare that keeps the frost away.

I bounce back in my seat and comfortably lean my head against the rest, listening to Frank Sinatra quietly crackling through the radio. The journey with him; time happily spent alone and cozy, it makes this day ten times better, but there's one thing that can't slip my mind...

"Won't you tell me where we're going, baby?"

"We are almost there, beautiful." Halen drones for the tenth time.

We pause behind a truck in traffic once again, and he looks at me, "Spoiling it now would simply ruin the fun."

"Can't I have a hint? Oh, please... Mr. Bates," I greedily bat my lashes.

As hard as he tries, I can tell he's no longer immune to my endless begging. He gives me a once over and toys with his lip like he's deciding whether to let them move, before he begrudgingly says, "Today is the day you get to find out for yourself where I go to every day."

I sit up. "Really?"

Halen grunts lowly as he cranks the wheel, "I have someone I think you should meet."

I raise my brows and look ahead, now intrigued. We take an exit off of the highway, and I miss the sign saying where it is we're going, but once we pass over the next woodsy hill, we come to a dense, quaint city I recognize.

And right in the heart of the main street is a familiar place with a familiar twinkling sign glowing above it.

I swallow my apprehension as we cruise slowly through.

He couldn't possibly be...

My stomach starts to hurt when Halen clicks on his blinker and cranks on the wheel, turning us into the parking lot.

Bellrock Bar.


He doesn't say a word. He parks and the car sputters off when he pulls the keys from the ignition.

"Halen." I know how defeated I sound, and it's bordering shameful, but to say I'm happy to be here is a lie. What is he doing?

"Why?" Is all I can muster until I swallow down the bile in my tightening, frustrated throat, "Why are we here?"

He looks at me finally and drops the keys into his pockets, "To see a friend. Like I said."

"I have no friends here. That's abundantly clear."

"You do. Chin up. In we go. Come on." Halen snaps open his door and steps out, walking all the way around to get mine.

I trudge out and stop, planting my boot heels in the snow.


"Now, Scilla. Come." Halen takes off toward the bar without me.

Huffing, I stomp forward and he stops when he hears me, offering his arm once I get close enough.

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