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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

The following evening I was given a room on site. I was told to get situated before I had to go back to Miguel's office. I had showered and suited up again with a new suit that Lyla had made for me. I was told that I was going to get introduced to the main mission team but also learn more about our objective. I took one last glance of myself in the mirror. The suit I was given was black and gray and had a red mask that covered the bottom half of my face. If you ask me I looked more like a villain than a hero. I then started making my way out of the room.

As I was walking along one of the many bridges that led to Miguel's office, I was greeted by multiple spider people. I sometimes forget how social we are. I mean they didn't even know me and they all greeted me with a smile. I continued walking towards Miguel's office and along the way I walked past a cafeteria. The scent of food was really appealing. I took a glance at what they were serving. Burgers with fries. God I could kill for one of those right now. My stomach started making noises and I decided that Miguel would have to wait.

I sat down on a barstool and smiled at the spider worker in front of me.

"What would you like?" He asked.

"Just a burger with fries." I smiled.

He nodded and ran off to get it for me. That's when I noticed the guy I was sitting next to. He had his spider mask on but he didnt have a suit. He had a jeans vest and ripped jeans. His spider mask had spikes on the top and he had a guitar on his back. He noticed me staring at him.

"Why don't you take a photo?" He said.

His accent was british. Clearly from England. I lowered my mask to reveal all of my face and I smiled.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to be rude." I said.

"Nah it's calm." he said taking off his mask.

He had a piercing on his eyebrow and lip. His hair was really cool.

"I'm Hobie." he said.

"I'm Julie."

That's when the spider waiter came back with Hobie's and my food. We ordered the same thing. I started taking bites of my burger.

"So how'd you end up here?" Hobie asked.

"I interrupted a canon event and almost died so Miguel dragged my ass here. He's such a-"

"Condecending dick? Yeah. That's what everyone says before they get to know him." Hobie said.

"So I take it you know him?"

"Yeah. I'm actually going to see him in a bit."

"Me too. He said he wanted to introduce me to the main mission team." I sighed.

"Now you've met one of us at least." Hobie said.

"Oh. Okay. Well it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise. Listen, Miguel can be a bit of a prick but go easy on him. He hasn't had it easy."

Well neither have I. Of course I don't say anything though. Instead I just nod. I didn't want to get into it.

"Well we better get a move on. We really don't want Miguel to wait now do we?" He asked.


Me and Hobie started walking to Miguel's office and made small talk along the way. Hobie was kind of a complicated person. Hated the mornings and hated the evenings but loved going to the pub with his "mandem" which I only can assume means friends. He hated the patriarchy. Hated titels. Was there anything he liked? We arrived in front of Miguel's door and I took a deep breath before walking in with Hobie. As we walked in Hobie kept chipping off pieces of electronics off of the walls.

Poisoned bites- Miguel O'haraWhere stories live. Discover now