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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

Jack had gotten situated in my old apartment. Me and Miguel had just gotten into our own apartment when suddenly I feel Miguel grab my wrist and turn me around.

"Hey. There's something you're not telling me about Jack."

I furrowed my eyebrows. My heart started picking up the pace. He knew I was lying. I needed to calm down since he could hear my heartbeat and panicking wasn't helping me.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked trying to brush it off.

"Oh come on. It's obvious that you dated. Why is he here?"

My heart dropped.

"I..don't know." I said.



"Julie I saw the drone's markings. "Harley Technology." And I did some research on your previous... lover. Jack Harley. Billionaire. And I thought it was weird how he just showed up out of nowhere." Miguel said letting go of my wrist and now he's started pacing the room.

I pulled off my spider mask. I leaned my back against the kitchen counter and sighed. My lip was busted and my abdomen hurt from Jack pushing his dagger against it. We've been up since 5 am and we've been fighting all day. It was truly exhausting. Now this?

"Miguel I'm tired. I don't want to do this right now."

"Mierda, tell me what's going on!" He said turning towards me drastically.

I started walking towards Miguel with slow steps and I put my hand on his chest.

"If you don't trust him then trust me. What's your heart telling you?" I said looking up into his eyes.

He took a deep breath in.

"I think I'll go with my gut on this one." He walked past me and out of the apartment.

Standing alone after that interaction I've never felt more lonely.

"Lyla?" I said.

She popped up in front of me. I took a brief moment to gather my thoughts before I spoke.

"Do you tell Miguel everything?" I asked.

"No. Like for example I accidentally let one of the anomalies out a few weeks ago. Didn't tell him. They caught him of course but it is still unknown to this day as to how he got out."

"I used to never have a problem with lying to people but he makes me feel so guilty about it." I sighed.

"Well I don't bother with guilt. It's a waste of time."

"I guess." I said while walking to the bedroom. Lyla walked after me.

"Why are you asking me this?" Lyla asked.

"No specific reason." I said trying to play it off.

"Actually that was a rhetorical question I know exactly why. There are secret cameras all over this place. Miguel actually just asked about the footage from a certain corridor."

"Shit." I exclaimed and I started running out of the apartment to Miguel's office.

My heart was thumping in my ears. I couldn't let him watch that footage. No matter the cost. My breathing turned heavier for every step I took. People were getting patched up around me and I almost crashed into a bunch of them trying to get to Miguel's office. Hobie and Gwen saw me run past and started calling out to me. I ignored it and kept going. My heart racing, my hair slapping against my back and my body aching from the fight. Eventually I reached Miguel's office. I stormed inside and shot my web up to his lift. I pulled myself up and Miguel turned around and looked at me confused. In his hand was a flash drive which he was going to insert in the computer. 

Poisoned bites- Miguel O'haraWhere stories live. Discover now