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🎶Main toh pehan ke saafa kesariya
Jugni jogan ban jaaun
Surme de kale jadu se
keh de to jog bhulaun
Ni main kamli kamli
Ni main kamli kamli..🎶



The moment I swung the door open, I found myself pressed against the wall by a hurricane, a knife menacingly close to my throat. Well, that certainly wasn't my ideal way to spend my first wedding night.

Big honey brown eyes. Long black wavy hair. Heart-shaped lips. Lilith.

Her big honey brown eyes sparkled with fury, framed by long, black, wavy hair cascading gracefully. Heart-shaped lips completed her enchanting features.

Shreya's face is a storm of fury, her eyes is blazing with intensity. Those soft curls framing her face seem to bristle with anger, and her lips are pressed into a tight line, betraying the depth of her wrath. I can feel the heat radiating off her as she pins me against the wall with the knife, her grip firm and unyielding.

"Didn't anticipate the newlywed murder plot, lilith," I remarked, a sweet smile playing on my face.

"Shut the fuck up." Shreya's grip on the knife tightened, her frustration is evident. She is furious .

Fuck does she know she looks hot when furious?

"Why did you marry me?" she demanded, clearly not a fan of the forced union.

Walking toward her, I replied, "It was bound to happen, one way or another."

"But not like this." She took a step back.

"I know, but it was necessary for my plan." I continued advancing; she retreated, the knife still at my throat.

"Are you sure about this?" Her doubt hung in the air.

"Absolutely," I said, feigning conviction. Another step forward.

In a sudden move, I twisted her hand with the knife, reversing our positions. I pressed her against the wall, knife at her throat.

"Never threaten Kabeer Kapoor, okay, wife?" I warned, tightening my grip.

"Death doesn't scare me," she retorted.

"I won't give you death easily, but I'll make your life hell. You wanted me alive, remember?" I said, smiling as I released her.

"Don't you think you've already achieved that?" Her words dripped with venom.

"Shree, can you...shit" Ranbeer interjected, but his voice trailed off as he closed his eyes.

I stepped back, placing the knife in my waistband, helping Shreya stand straight. Ranbeer, someone we'd rather not witness this scene, spoke up.

"It's not what it looks like." "Don't you know how to knock?" Both Shreya and I snapped simultaneously.

"Are you sure, Shree? Because it looks like you were kissing," he teased, eyeing us with amusement.

"And for your question, I do know how to knock, but I don't make a habit of knocking on your door, asshole," he retorted.

"I'll remember that you're married now," he chuckled.

"What do you need?" Shreya's tone was icy, a rare coldness directed at Ranbeer.

"I know you're upset about this morning, but..." Ranbeer attempted explanation is halted by Shreya raising her palm to silence him.

"Save your explanations. I don't want to hear them," she declared, heading towards the door and down the stairs.

"Wait, I need your help," Ranbeer called after her.

"With what?" I inquired.

"Ah, you're still here," he said, feigning surprise. "Let's just say you forced me into that situation, okay?"

"Why should I?" Arms crossed, I challenged him.



"Fuck," I said under my breath.
"Shit, she is angry," he said.
"Furious," I corrected.

"Let's go downstairs and see what she is breaking this time."

"Yeah," I said with a sigh.

Let's just hope bones aren't on the list of things she plans to break.


I hope you like my writing. Now I want to know what do you think about the characters. Please let know .

Also what is the status of the book , when you started reading, ongoing or complete? Or better yet tell me the date when you started reading this 😉...

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