3. The Wedding

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🎶Ishq labo pe, ishq duaa me
Jism me, rooh me
Ishq rava rava rava rava
Ishq nazar me, Ishq bashar
Aks me, raks me
Ishqe nishaan nishaan nishaan🎶


"Anything but not this," I said.

After Ranbeer and I arrived at court I see him .

Onyx eyes. Dark black hair. Full lips. Broad shoulders. Lucifer.

Kabeer is waiting outside ,wearing a royal blue suit, a golden Rolex watch on his wrist. Damn , the Lucifer does look hot. Sometimes in his miserable life. Anyway, aren't all the devil are supposed to?

He is leaning against the court building, arms crossed, and eyes scanning the street. He looks calm, but there's an intensity in his gaze that hints at something deeper. Despite the bustling activity around him, he remains eerily still, a silent sentinel in the midst of chaos, waiting.

A black heart that matches his soul; he's a devil. I don't understand why this devil needs us. After all, he's the one who wanted nothing to do with us. I can't forget his words even after one year, and judging by Ranbeer's expression, he's likely thinking the same.

"Why can't you both just leave me alone? I'm fed up with your cares. Just leave me alone; we are not children anymore."

It hurts when the only person you love doesn't care about you. Ranbeer and I cared about Kabeer, but it was a burden for him. Tears fill my vision, but I blink them away, preventing myself from crying. I will be damned if I wasted one more tear on this bastard.

I'm heading back with Ranbeer. Kabeer can go to hell; we're better off without him.

"Let's get over this," His commanding voice snapped me out of my stupor, its cold and firm tones leaving a lasting impact. I don't even notice when he comes to stand in front of me, and he's holding my hand? I raise my eyebrow, looking at our hands - they look perfect together. Focus, Shreya! You're angry with him.

"What are you talking about?" I frowned mustering the most nonchalant voice I can , trying not to focus on the way he's holding my hand - which is challenging after all this time.

"We are getting married," he says with an eerie calmness in his voice. Making me go still .

"What! Have you gone crazy or something?" I shouted, snatching my hand away.

"No, and don't you know why you are here?" He mentioned the last part, directing his gaze at Ranbeer.

"Why is he looking at you? Did you, by any chance, know about this, whatever this is?" I look at Ranbeer, hoping he would say no, but his expression crushes all my wishes.

"You didn't tell her." Kabeer says with a tone of finality. It's a statement, not a question.

My eyes ping-pong between them, unsure whom to curse or kill first. It looks like they planned everything and just needed me to complete it. I fisted my hands just not punch the shit out of them.

"Do you think if I told her, I would be walking on my legs?" Ranbeer  shuddered, as if I just broke his leg. Good, he hasn't told me before. Either he wouldn't have even his voice to talk rather accuse me to ever hurt him.

"Definitely not. What the hell are both of you even thinking? I'm not marrying in a court, most importantly without uncle. No. Nope. Not happening," I glared at both of them .

"I don't have time for your shit, lilith," Kabeer said with no expression, as if his words aren't hurting me.

I took a deep breath and said, "Why me? If you are that desperate for a wife, then go find someone who will marry you without family at her wedding." I'm proud of how composed I appear, chin up and confident. But Kabeer is looking at me like I'm being a stubborn child, and worse, Ranbeer is also giving me weird looks.

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