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I open the door and start running to the kitchen to hurry and make some spaghetti. I trin on the stove and put some water in the pot and let it boil.

While I'm letting it boil, I walk out of the kitchen to sneak to my room to get changed because of what happened earlier. While I'm getting changed, I notice it's fairly quiet, and my mom hasn't been on a rampage, and I've arrived like 10 minutes ago.

So, like the dumb ass I am, I go looking for her. Why? Well, i don't know. Maybe it's because I wanna get my ass beat. For some reason, my body is doing the opposite of what my mind is telling it to do.

I turn the corner to go to my mom's room down the hall and pray she's forgiving today. I slowly open the door and look around for her.

Not here.

I go downstairs to the living room and look around for her because that's usually where she is when she's waiting for me. But only am I to find her limp lifeless body on the floor along with pill bottles and empty alcohol bottles.

As I'm registering what I'm seeing, I slowly slide down the wall of the arch way, connecting the living room and hallway as tears fill the brim of my eyes I let out the scream I've been saving for so long.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now" I whisper to myself as I pick my self up off the floor and run to the phone to call the police.

Ring ring ring

"This is the police what is your emergency?" The woman on the other side of the phone says,"My mom, " I try to say as a sob rips through my mouth.
"Okay, honey? I'm going to need you to calm down and tell me what happened with your mom, okay? Can you do that for me?"

"My mom, she's dead," I say as I'm trying to get to the full story. "I'm sending people over to you now. I just need you to stay on the phone with me, okay?


My ears are ringing as I hear police sirens in the background. They are yelling, but I can't tell what they are saying. All I hear is ringing.


The door. I quickly get up and run over to the door, and I see it's kicked down. And 6 police men rush in and start asking questions. As my ears stop ringing and start processing what's happening, I start sobing even more and point to the living room. 5 men rush to the room, and I slowly follow behind with the 6th men.

They all instantly backed up as I stepped in front of them to see my mother's dead limp, a lifeless body surrounded by drugs and alcohol. I feel someone turn me around and hug me tightly as the other men conversate amongst themselves. 

"Hey kid, we're going to have to take you to the police station and ask some questions, okay?"

I slowly nod my head as I hear the metal detecter go off . Shit, Dinner.

Her dinner.

I quickly run to go turn off the eye, dump the pot into the sink, and clean up the over spiled water. As I turn to walk out of the kitchen and go with the police men, I see all 6 of them with pity in their eyes.

They pitying me. I hate pity.

"I was just making dinner." I say through a sob.

I'm now sitting in a police station in a room of people who pretend to feel what I feel.

"Do you have any other family members who would take you in?"

"No," my mother made it very clear. I didn't have any other family other than her, and I don't even know if my dad's still around.Wanting to cry so bad, but my mother words keep ringing through my head

.Start of flashback.

'Nothing good comes from emotions, so whenever you feel them ignore them, do not show them, do not talk about them, just ignore them, do I make myself clear Ember?"

"But why ma?"

"Like I said, nothing good comes from it. You know that's why your dad left to. I showed my emotions and he didn't like it." She grits through her teeth.

"And don't call me 'ma' or anything that means I'm related to you, understand?" she spits out.


.End of flashback.

"Did you hear anything I said? The lady in front of me says, snaping me out of whatever I was in. " shit, sorry, no."
" I said you're going to go outside in the waiting room and wait as we try to find a suitable place for you. Hence, you're still a minor. You can't live on your own."

I nod my head and walk out the door and sit down in the hall. I'm basically grown my 18ths in about 4 months, but whatever.

I don't even know how to feel about this. Is it bad that I'm not sad about it? I mean, I'm not happy either, but I'm really not sad. I'm just numb.

She was a horrible person who put me through some much more than one could handle. She's done unspeakable things like, she's let people touch me before I even knew what those word ment, she's beat me my entire life and even sold me to sex trafficking rink when I was 14 because she didn't have enough money for her alcohol.

Eventually, she took me back because she realized I was the one paying rent and putting food in the fridge. Which still doesn't change the fact that she was a dozen men and a traumatized 14-year-old late.

I hear footsteps coming towards and look at the person who is now standing in front of me. He's a little too close, so I scoot back in my chair. "Sweetheart, I have good news first you"

"Don't call me sweetheart, and what is it?" His eyes widen as he looks taken back by my bland voice and face. "w-well, umm- spit it out." I say as I cut him off, being tired of this shit.

"We found your dad."

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