New beginnings

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"What do you mean you 'found' my dad?"  I asked, confused. I thought he was dead, It was never clarified, but shit.

"Honey, this might be some hard new to bare bu- no stop with all the pitty shit, please I'm not a fucking child. I say, cutting her off because she was talking to me like I was a baby or some shit.

I can't go live with him. I fucking refuse to live with a dead beat man who left me with empty promises, knowing who he left me with.

"I'm sorry for offending you, but what I was trying to say is, we found him, and he's currently on his way to take you to Italy where he lives with your 2 brothers and step mom. Im sorry if this comes as an inconvenience, but you nor we have a choice."

Well, anything is better than here, but ITALY!?!?!? Shit I don't even know how to feel anymore, I'm just numb of feeling, everywhere, I look completely dead inside, and there are old and new brushes all over my body. It's like I'm not even feeling emotion anymore.

Hold up-


Well now I'm just fucking angry. He left me, promised to come back, moved to Italy, and started an entire new family. What the hell did I do wrong. Sometimes, I just wish I wasn't born.

Somebody's having mood swingssss

I don't know how many hours it's been, but I do know I'm about to drop kick whoever is trying to wake me up.

They touched my face. Which honestly scared me a little bit. Anyway, I quickly grab their hand, twist it behind their back, kick the back of their knee so they fall on the floor and press my knee against their back out of 'state of shock.'

I just really wanted to...

"I fucking dare you to touch me again." I spit out.


My eyes go wide as I hear the one word come out of the one mouth I've been waiting to hear my entire life. My dad.

"Uhhhh, can I get up now?"

"Shit, yeah."


I get off of him and dust my self off as I see him get up I keep a cold face on so he doesn't know what I'm feeling inside, not that I feel anything really, how was I supposed to feel for a stranger?

"It's been a while, huh?"

"No fucking shit."

"Where'd you learn how to do that?" He says ignoring my blunt answer."taught myself." I say technically telling him the short truth. I did teach myself. I only did it for reasons I shouldn't have had. And all because he wasn't there. Crazy right?

"Mmm," He responds, staring at me and analyzing me. Which is making me very self-conscious, by the way, " stop staring at me." I said colder than I had meant for it to come out. "My bad." And all I give him is a hum in response as he looks at the floor. Is he not fucking ashamed?

Just as I'm about to speak up, an officer from before tells him to sign papers, and it's an awkward drive to the airport.

"We're here," He says as we open our car doors I see and fucking gold white and black private jet.

THIS DUDE IS RICH?AND HE STILL DIDN'T COME BACK? yeah, I need to get over this not coming back shit.

As I walk over to the jet a few steps behind him  walk up the stairs, I see people lined up with their heads down. I come to a sudden hault as he stops directly in front of the people. They all turn their heads to meet him.

"Hello, Mr. Fontana, " they all say in unison, and he nods his head. What the hell kinda cult shit is this? I'm doing research on this, dude. "This is Ember. Treat her as you treat me, respect wise."

He says to the people, and we go sit down. I sit off to the side, but still in front of him, I feel like running into his arms and crying, but I can't let him know that because we don't know each other. He probably doesn't even consider me as family. But it's time to ask a couple of questions.

"Why don't I have yours or Athenas' last name?"

"You call your mother by her name? I can tell you, I won't allow that in my house, you will call me dad or father" he says dodging my question.

"And I can tell you I refuse to call a stranger my father."

"I am not a stranger. I am your dad, and you will address me as so."

"You are no dad, you might be one to your new little family, but not to me, because a dad doesn't abandon his daughter after promising to write, call, and come back for her knowing what her mother was like. A father is supposed to be there no matter what. Not go off and start a new family."

Shit. I did even mean for that to come out like that. It just did. But he really had the audacity to call him my father. Well, a real father doesn't do that to his kid, and he needs to get that through his head.

To say he looked shocked was to say the lest. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way." He says with tears at his water line.

"Because you didn't come back."

I say slowly while leaning forward, so he got the point. His questioning eyes searched mine for emotion, but I gave him no answer.



I feel like I should start writing authors notes for yall but I just really don't know what to put🤷🏽‍♀️.

Drink water, stay safe and comment!!!!!

Embers Secrets (Oh Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant