•the harringtons and the henderson•

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"If my brother dies because of you, Henderson, I'll kill you."

"Thanks for picking me up from the arcade, dingus," Joe said from the backseat of Steve's car, "How did giving Nancy the flowers go? I'm guessing not well considering Dustin is in your passenger seat and not her

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"Thanks for picking me up from the arcade, dingus," Joe said from the backseat of Steve's car, "How did giving Nancy the flowers go? I'm guessing not well considering Dustin is in your passenger seat and not her."

"Shut up," Steve replied.

"So, speaking of Dustin... Why are you here?" Joe asked, leaning forward to peak at a nervous Dustin in the passenger seat.

"Joe... Promise you won't be mad," Dustin started, but was quickly interrupted.

"It's about Dart isn't it," she said, "Let me guess... You had Dart this whole time and it turns out, Dart is from the Upside Down and things got out of hand quick. You probably went to Mike's house, since he's the self-declared leader of our party. He wasn't there, but you happened to run into Stevey Boy on his quest to reconcile with dear Nancy. You somehow got Steve involved in this mess, and now you're about to get me involved too."

Both the boys looked shocked.

"Did I get it right?" Joe asked, leaning back and crossing her arms.

She knew it. She knew Dustin still had Dart.

"So, how big is he?" She asked, dreading the answer.

Dustin sighed in defeat at the fact that she figured it out so quickly. He couldn't believe how easily she figured it all out. She had always been more observant than the others in the party.

"Like this big," Dustin replied, holding up his spaced apart hands to show how large Dart had gotten.

Joe gulped. It was a pretty significant change from the last time she saw the creature.

"I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?" Steve chimed in.

"What do you know, Steve? You barely know how to tie your shoes," Joe snickered from the backseat.

"Oh, God. Shut up," Steve rolled his eyes.

"It's not a lizard," Dustin interrupted their sibling bickering.

"How do you know?" Steve asked.

"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat," Dustin said, causing the car to go silent for a brief moment.

"Well, shit," Joe said.

The group pulled up to Dustin's house, all quickly getting out. Steve guided them to the trunk, where he got his signature baseball bat with the nails sticking out of it.

"You didn't tell me you kept that thing," Joe furrowed her eyebrows.

"Never knew when I might need it again," Steve shrugged, slamming his trunk shut.

The three of them walked over to the storm cellar that Dustin had trapped Dart in.

"I don't hear shit," Steve said, after listening for a minute.

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