•star-crossed lovers•

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"We know all about that. We are two girls in a relationship. You can't get much more star-crossed than that."

Joe tried to put the weird night at the movies out of her mind

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Joe tried to put the weird night at the movies out of her mind. Dustin was coming back today, which Joe was super excited about. She knew Steve was excited for it too. Steve had really missed Dustin, more than he would ever admit.

The party had planned to surprise Dustin by welcoming him home at his house. Joe had asked Billy to cover for her at the pool, which he did. She was expecting him to ask her for a favor or money, but he said he would do it and didn't ask for anything in return. Joe liked to hope that maybe he did it out of the kindness of his small heart, but she couldn't help but be skeptical. Regardless, she was super thankful.

Inside Dustin's home, the party stayed hidden. They decided to lure him out by having Eleven guide him out by making his robots and toys move on their own. Joe tried to tell them that Dustin would get super freaked out and probably attack one of them, but no one listened.

Eleven made the toys move out into the hallway and into the living room. They had to get him out there so that they could surprise him. Little did they know, he picked up Farrah Fawcett spray given to him by Steve, which he planned to use as mace on any attackers, whether they were his friends or not.

Around the corner, they were all pressed up against the wall, hiding. Max was lookout. She nodded to all of them to signal that Dustin had just walked by, which meant it was go time.

Eleven made the toys stop in their tracks, right in the middle of the living room. Dustin bent down to investigate the toys. Now was their chance.

The group began to sneak out from their hiding place as quietly as possible. Lucas was holding the "Welcome Home, Dustin!" sign that they had all pitched in to make. They all put their noise makers in their mouths as Max began to countdown using her fingers.

When Max got to one, they all blew on the noise makers, erupting the silence with the familiar honk of a birthday party. Dustin screamed in surprise and terror, turning around. He lifted his Farrah Fawcett spray, spraying it right into Lucas's eyes. Lucas screamed his girly scream. Joe began to cackle at the comedic scene in front of her, stepping back into her girlfriend's arms to make sure that she would miss the steady stream of hairspray.

Soon enough, Joe found herself holding Lucas's head under the faucet of Dustin's kitchen sink.

"Ow, ow, ow," Lucas mumbled in pain.

"We gotta get the hairspray out," Joe mumbled in response while holding the back of his neck.

He moved out of her grip to stand up for a short moment.

"Better?" Max asked, cringing at what happened as she stood next to Joe.

Joe shivered thinking about getting hairspray in her eyes. It had happened to her before. Steve got a little carried away one time while doing his hair, and when she walked in, she was doused in a cloud of hairspray that had been enclosed in his bedroom along with him.

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