Chapter 14

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I can't take my eyes off her, from the moment she stepped into the bar. Her red, skin-tight dress hugs every curve of her body and her legs, those damn legs go on for miles. They look toned and slender and sexy as fuck in those heels she's wearing. I don't care that she looks over dressed like a city slicker here in Lazy Duke's. All I can see is a red hot woman staring right back at me as I play her our song.

The moment I spotted her when she came through the door with her sister Ali, I knew what I was going to sing as my opener. All the anger I was feeling somehow just evaporated and skittled somewhere under a rug. All I could see was her and the memories of when we were young and good together. She looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights when she saw me, it was enough to make me want to smirk but I held it back. I'm not the one who left, but I am the one who wanted her to stay and listen to our song, I want her to know what she could have had.

Jeez, I'm so conflicted with emotion right now. One part of me wants her to be up here and close to me, with her head on my shoulder. Like it was back then when we were teenagers and she'd listen to me playing song after song. Sometimes we'd co-write and I'm saving our next song for my last of the set tonight. That'll make her wonder why she ever left me for some big city, chasing a dream she could easily have had back here in Willowbrook.

If she'd not run to Michigan, we'd have been running dad's practice, now mine – together. It would have both our names on it. Sage and I were a team. We'd always been a team. There wasn't a person here who didn't think we wouldn't get married, have some babies, a yard with a white picket fence. You know, the whole nine yards. It took me by surprise when she started to share her dream with me, she was wild with excitement and I honestly thought for sure, we could make it work long distance. What I wasn't expecting was her to tell me that it was better this way. Better that we ended it whilst we were still young and open to explore other relationships and love. Not to be under the burden of commitment. Shit. Why am I thinking all this crap when I'm up here on stage?

I'm conflicted between being mad at her for all those years ago and wanting her to regret every damn, last minute of the decision she made. I know through my folks that she met someone else, some Miles guy. Another doctor who worked in Michigan State. According to my mother, he has decided to do a fellowship in Europe. London, I think

See, I never would have done that to Sage. Not the beautiful girl I grew up with, the girl that was my best friend. The one whose back I always had. I'd never had let her down. She'd be settled here with me now.

I can see tears streaming down her face. The song has rocked her, it's breaking her heart in pieces. Lost love will do that to you, it only takes a word, a song, a movie that can make it feel as if you lost everything. It'll break your heart leaving you feel bereft. Good. I want her to feel like she lost out. I want her to stay. I want to stop thinking all these damn thoughts. I've got a set to play.

The crowd in the bar clap and holler when I draw the Dolly P song to an end. I get wolf whistles and a bra thrown at me. Yes, that is usual. The locals love me and most of the single women often throw a bra my way. Does it make me blush? Sure does. I have to face ninety percent of them in my surgery over the course of the year. It's pretty hard to remain professional when you know whose bra was thrown in your face on a Friday night.

Sage is wiping her eyes. Ali I can see is still chatting with the Marshall. He's keen on her and I'm guessing any day now they'll probably start dating. I hope so. The Marshal is a good friend of mine, like Abe. We grew up here, went to the same school, graduated together and been through a lot of growing up together. I don't know where I'd be without those two and my sister, Daisy.

Nobody notices but me when Sage puts here drink down on a random table and starts to head out of the bar. Ali doesn't look up from her close chats with the Marshall, the crowd close to the stage definitely don't look up. She's moving quicker than wildfire as her hand reaches door ready to push it open.

Do I want her to go?

Do I want her to stay?

I have no idea what I want anymore. I'm still smarting a decade later and on top of that my heart is in shards from the loss of my beautiful wife, the one woman I couldn't save no matter how hard I tried. I can't allow myself to have any feelings for Sage again. There would be no trust there and besides, I've heard she's only staying temporarily. My heart can't take another relationship, I'm too scared to lose again. It's easier to live alone up in my cabin with Hector.

I seek female company every now and then, but not in this town. Usually, I'll driver over to Copper town where It's easier to go under the radar. Nobody knows me there and nobody wants anything fro me. I'm just another regular guy hanging in a bar or club. It's not often but when needs must, then they must.

As she leaves, I strum up my guitar and start playing the next track. It's the one we first ever co-wrote. I remember how Sage had lain on my bed with the pad on her lap, her hair in a messy bun scribbling away as I played the chords. It took us a couple of hours but when I played it for her, she cried then too.

Love can only happen once

Don't let it slip through your fingers

Promise you'll never leave me, promise you'll be mine forever.

My heart would simply break in two, if there was no me and you

My heart would never fall again, if there was no me and you

I continue to sing and watch as she ever so slowly turns around. I'm not sure if she's going to stay or if she's going to go. My voice is filled with emotion, damn it. Even I'm choking up.  

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance, Small Town Romance NovelWhere stories live. Discover now