Chapter 40

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It's been a long day, I'm ready for bed and my ankle is killing me. Damn thing. It'll take a few days to be right after I twisted it, maybe even a week. Such a drag.

As I lay on my bed with my head propped against my cushions, I rest it so it's elevated and close my eyes. I tried to write in my journal only thoughts of Logan wouldn't leave me alone and even now they're just filling my head. If I hadn't of decided to come back home, I'd not be in this situation right now. The thinking constantly about Logan is what I mean.

My phone vibrates. I placed it in silent not that I get many people calling me these days but working in a state hospital where it's a lot of pressure and constantly frantic, whirring machines, beeping at every angle – I would get into the habit of turning my phone onto vibrate only just for some peace. Miles on the other hand wouldn't and the interruptions to our evenings was borderline chronic. Some nights I felt like throwing the damn thing out of the window.

I pick up my mobile and can see it's from Hazel, my oldest friend. We used to be so close growing up always in and out of each other's houses, she was always my patient when I played doctor. It brings a smile to my face.

"Gosh, you're a hard woman to pin down and why haven't you hooked up with me yet?" Straight in. Guilt takes over, I am a shitty ass friend.

"I've been sort of busy."

"How so? I heard you went walking up the mountain and had to be rescued. It's a small town. Oh, by the way, I also hear you have been canoodling with Logan in Bluebells." Her voice is almost accusatory, but I know she's kidding with me.

"I'm sorry. I just feel like it's been non-stop since I got back. I did get airlifted off what a drama. So embarrassing." Hazel chuckles. I can imagine her head full of curls bouncing and her brown eyes soft and gentle. "By the way I was not canoodling with Logan. Jeez, the folk in this town." I sigh and rearrange my foot on the cushions that are supporting it. What I need is an ice pack.

"Rumour has it, you're both back together only I'm guessing they're working overtime in the rumour mill, right?" I groan.

"Absolutely they are."

"So, you're not tempted then, I mean have you seen him? If I wasn't married I'd be lusting after Logan. Hell, I do lust after him. Johnny thinks it's funny." That's her husband by the way. They've been together for a long time and then some. Since high school days, slow burn romance but eventually they got their heads together and made it happen.

I laugh, she is right Logan is a fine man. He's tall, broad shouldered and extremely well defined. I guess from all the log cutting he has to do for firewood for the cabin and his outdoors lifestyle. Just thinking about him sends a tingle up my body. I can't be having that.

"He is handsome." I say.

"Girl, what planet exactly are you on? That man is model material, he's got better abs than a hockey player. Is there no spark between you both anymore?" Her voice is soft as she asks and I am betting Hazel is another person here in Willowbrook who'd loving nothing more than to see Logan and I back together again. And would it be so bad? Whoa stop right there. Of course it would be. You have a medical career you are chasing not a small village practice placement.

"Of course it would be. Okay, I'm not going to lie he's gorgeous. Fucking gorgeous I can hardly take my eyes off him. But as for getting back together, be serious. I'm going for another job in a state hospital as soon as I can get an offer."

"Damn shame, Sage. We all miss you here especially me." That pulls on my heart. She's my oldest and best friend. We've been through so much together. Her mother dying when Hazel was just fourteen, boys, teenage drama and angst. Her father going off the rails after her mother died and Hazel and her brother having to manage and fend for themselves. Thankfully, her dad went to rehab and managed to overcome his addictions but it doesn't change the fact that for a couple of years growing up those two kids were all they had. It's sad to think what they had to go through.

"I know you do. But I'm just not cut out for this small town, honey. You know I never was. Everyone is in your face, they all gossip and talk about your business." I shudder.

"Honey, they all care. Here you're not just another face with no name. The community in Willowbrook is amazing. We've always got each other's backs. We support our local businesses, we have more festivals than any town I know." This is true I know that but maybe I want to remain a nameless face in a big city.

"How are Johnny and the kids?" I ask instead to change track. The less we talk about me and how I am actually feeling about Logan and all those old feelings stirring up the better. I've only got to get through a few weeks or couple of months at most until something surely turns up for me in a large hospital.

"There you go, changing the topic. They're fine. Johnny has just had a promotion so he's now VP of the local bank branch. It's exciting for us but I don't think we'll move out to a bigger house or anything. We love our little abode." It's a cute cottage style property tucked down Briar lane with a pond behind it.

"Don't blame you, honey. I love your house." I feel suddenly a sense of something, I can't quite put my finger on it. Is it envy? Loss? Either way, I think I'm wondering why I can't have the little cottage with the husband and the kids. Am I lonely? Is it my age? Hitting nearly forty does make you wonder about a lot of shit. I tell myself to get a grip, it's the career I want not the house with the white picket fence. Or is it?

Holy fuck, my mind is playing tricks on me now. I told you coming back to Willowbrook is not good for my mind. I hear some shrieking in the background.

"Gotta fly, Sage. My kids have started war on each other." I chuckle.

"Catch you later. Let's meet up for a coffee when you have some time." I tell her.

"Perfect. I'll text you. Between working, the kids and the house I am spread thin but for you Sage, always. Oh by the way, there's a new yoga class started up in town. I know how much you used to love yoga. If you fancy coming it's at eight on Thursday."

"I'll check it out and meet you there, then we can go for a coffee afterwards." I hear Lina screaming at her brother.

"That's it kids." Hazel shouts at them. "Speak soon, honey." She hangs up and I look at my phone. Maybe having kids should be permanently off my agenda.

It was good to talk to my best friend, I sure have missed her and definitely I'll try the yoga class. I can be careful with my ankle. Reaching for my book on the bedside I make myself more comfortable and start to read. It's fucking useless.

Five pages in and I haven't even absorbed a word. Why? Because I can't get the sight of Logan's eyes, his chiselled jaw and his smoking hot body off my mind. I place the book over my face and groan. That man is going to be the death of me for sure. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance, Small Town Romance NovelWhere stories live. Discover now