Chapter 19

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That woman drives me to distraction with her stubborn damn attitude. All I was trying to do was check she was okay. I knew she'd go to our spot. Well you know what, fine damnit. I can do without her attitude, the sooner she disappears to some high-flying medical position in a different state, preferably one the other side of the goddamn country – the better.

Hector is buzzing around waiting for his morning feed. I'm as grouchy as sin having not slept a wink last night. That and the fact that I still haven't found someone to step into the practice to help me out. I need someone else on-board like yesterday. Eliza, my assistant has messaged me to say that one of the Cooper's kids has come down with something and could I run by their house at some point during tomorrow if there's no change. First, I need to get out for my run and exercise, Hector too. He's got way too much energy for my liking this morning. His nose brushes against my legs, I bend forward to ruffle the sprout of curly locks on his head. Reminding myself that he needs to go in for a shave soon. Damn he looks cute when they buzz all his hair off. It's way too hot this time of year for him to still be wearing his winter coat.

"C'mon boy." I hand him a snax treat from the good-treat bag which he can hear rustle from a mile away, I swear he's got some great hearing on him. He can be fast asleep snoring away, but as soon as my hand goes near that bag, he's up and in here like a junkie to weed. I'm wondering what the hell they put in these treats anyway.

He takes it and wolfs it back in one breath then runs to the cabin door. I slip into my trainers quickly tie up the laces and head out the door. Hector bounds in front of me, picks up his stick from last night's walk and brings it to me. I throw it for him and start to run. Nope, if you're wondering, I never do stretches or warm-up before I run. Never have. Never will. Of course, this isn't what I tell my patients, no siree. They all get told about the importance of stretching pre and post session. Don't want any strained muscles and torn ligaments coming into my practice.

The morning air is fresh, I can sense that Fall is coming soon and to be honest I cannot wait. I'm so over summer already. With the global situation, it just seems to me that with each passing summer, the temperatures creep up more and more. The mid-day will be crucifying today for sure. I inhale deeply and intake the fragrance of the pine trees that surround me on the trail that will lead up to my favourite hiking /running trail to McAfee Knob. The view from up there is out of this world, it's a beauty spot amongst beauty spots. It always relaxes me when I'm on top and Hector loves a long hike.

I've got a bladder pack on my back, his collapsible water bowl, some treats and a few protein bars for myself. The aim is to get up and back down before the sun soars down at two in the afternoon.

My pace is steady, I know exactly how fast not to run to ensure I can make the top and get back down. Sage and I used to camp up there when we were teenagers and let me tell you, making out on a blanket on the ground by the campfire, with the stars above you and a glorious full moon, is one of the most romantic things you'll ever do. The thought brings a smile to my face, one I quickly remind myself to know off. There's no way I need her intruding my thoughts today, not miss high-o-fucking-mighty. This run is about my headspace, one I'd preferably not have crammed with Sage Bennett. She doesn't get to have head-rent not today.

Hector comes back to me with his stick. "Steady boy, we've got a big hike ahead of us and then some." Of course he just tilts his head, sits at my feet with his tail wagging waiting for the stick to be thrown. He's used to the trail, I do it frequently. At least a couple of times a month. Hector can handle it. I've also got some iced towels from the freezer that I put in last night so I can wipe him down and hang one round his neck when the sun will start to become stronger.

He rushes off for the stick and I beam. I'm so damn proud of him, he makes my heart swell. When they a dog is a man's best friend, you had better believe it because he is my everything. After losing my wife, it broke me in two. I couldn't function then either, a bit like when Sage left me. The only difference was that I'd grown up by some nine to ten years and could handle everything a bit better. It still cuts me raw when I think of her beautiful face, her smile, the way her eyes would light up when I walked in the room. And Hector, well he reminds me of the beautiful times we'd spend walking in the mountains, eating a Bluebell's diner, the moment I brought him home to my wife and she adored him.

He bounds back, I throw again. By the time I get to the top I'm going to be worn out just from throwing the damn stick. "C 'mere." I call for him then whistle. Obediently, Hector comes to me and hands the stick. Since I know the trail pretty well, I leave it on a rock and tell him no. He understands this means end of play time. I'll grab it on the way back down. The last thing I want is a worn out dog who could end up suffering from heat exhaustion.

The trail is all mine this morning and I love that it gives me time to myself. It can get busy being the only doctor in the small-town of Willowbrook. There's never a dull moment, so this free space out in the great outdoors is always refreshing and very welcome.

Then, I see something ahead of me. I squint my eyes to get a better look. It looks like a female from where I'm standing as I stop to take a better look. The shape is way too feminine to be a man. I humpf. I kind of wanted this whole trail to myself today. Selfish, yep. But sometimes you just want to be on your own. You get that right?

Hector walks next to my slow jog, I don't want to run out of steam before we start the slow incline to the top. Drawing closer I can't help but keep my eyes in front of me at the shape, whoever that is has got some long legs on her, they look slender and I bet they're toned too. I can just make the outline of a high and perky butt. Man alive, am I getting a rise in my running shorts? Now is seriously not the time for my hormones to start wanting to get some action. Fuck's sake.

Maybe I should pick my pace up and just get passed her, that way I won't be so damn distracted with that butt moving side to side as she trudges up the start of the incline. Yes, that's what I have to go. Obviously, it's been a while since I've had any action. Perhaps I should drive into Copper town tonight and see about getting laid.

As I draw closer, I peer some more not in a purvey way. It's just that. Well something gives me the impression that I know that ram-rod straight back, the way those shoulders are squared off, the way that dark, long ponytail is swishing from side to side and those legs. It's all looking a bit familiar to me.

It fucking can't be. She looks round, shocked someone else is on the trail. Hector runs up and starts to sniff her hand. She puts it out and strokes his head, he licks her hand. Fucking traitor. I groan because right here on the path I wanted to claim my own today is only friggin Sage Bennett. Damnit and back some. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance, Small Town Romance NovelWhere stories live. Discover now