Chapter 54

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I have no idea where my brazenness came from back at the surgery, like I have no idea what has gotten into me. That is, I guess what multiple orgasms do to a girl. Suddenly everything is seen through rose tinted spectacles, I don't even mind that I'm going to be meeting with the gang later and my folks and Logan's folks at Bluebells to discuss the fundraiser.

You know what, I'm looking forward to it. Where this has all come from in such a short space of time is bewildering but I think I'll go with it.

I grab my jacket from the coat hook on the back of my office door and swing my bag over my shoulder. "Catch you ladies later." I say to Eliza and Sadie as I head out the door. They both look at me and Eliza winks. I am guessing she suspects that a certain someone, namely me, spent a lustful evening with a certain, swoony, devilishly handsome doctor last night. And boy was it hot. HOT. HOT.

Since we're all heading straight to Bluebell's I don't bother with my car, it's literally only down the road to Main Street. I spot my folks car outside the front and swing the door open, the bell chimes.

"Cooey. Over here." I hear my mom's voice and notice her waving. I wave back as I make my way towards her and dad. It's nice to see them both out together and dad not stuck in his office beavering away.

"How was your morning?" Mom asks, she has a permanent smile on her face it's the same one she was wearing this morning when she tried to cross examine me about being out at Logan's cabin last night. Good job mom never tried to be a lawyer; she'd not be great at it but as a counsellor she'd rock it.

"Hello, lovely." Dad says and squeezes my hand.

"Is Alli coming?" I ask them both as I sit down by mom, dad is on her right and Debs comes to our table.

"What can I get you folks? Nice to see you all together. My, it's been some time, right?" She can say that again, it's been an age since I sat here in Bluebells with my folks. What with being away in Michigan and practically hiding away at my folk's home whenever I returned to avoid bumping into Logan and not visiting very often in the first place.

I feel guilt knowing away in my gut, I have been a shitty ass daughter to say the least. Only coming down for the holidays and then staying for the briefest time. My folks deserved better than that.

"I'll have the steak and mushroom pie, fries on the side and green salad." Dad says patting his stomach. Mom raises an eyebrow, she tries her best to keep him on a healthy diet and low carbs, she has this mild obsession about his heart and cholesterol, not that it's high. I know his readings.

"Don't say a word, wifey." He says. Mom swats his hand playfully. Dad gives her a squeeze.

I swear, after forty years of marriage these two are like kids, I love the way they are together. It tugs on my heart; this is what I wanted once that was until I got grandiose ideas about a medical career in a state hospital. And when I met Miles, I thought we had it all sewn up, how wrong could I have been?

"Not saying anything, sweetheart. Debs, I'll have a green salad with onions on the side please not fried and the grilled chicken breast." Debs writes everything down on her lilac notepad and glances my way.

"I'll have what mom is having. Thanks, Debs."

"Great, it'll be with you shortly. I'll have someone bring you some fresh water over and what drinks would you all like?"

"Coffee for me." I say. Mom frowns, okay, okay so I have a caffeine problem which my mom worries about. Honestly, the amount of worrying she does, Mom ought to have multiple frown lines but she doesn't. Her skin is still peachy and radiant, and the only creases she has are those beautiful laughter lines around her eyes.

Mom and dad just ask for the water.

"We're going to be nine." I tell Debs. "Logan and his folks are on the way over, oh wait it could be ten if Daisy arrives too. Eliza is meeting us here with Sadie."

"No problem, Honey. Let me run you some more tables together. Are y'all discussing the fundraiser for the baseball team?" I'm surprised she knows but then I suppose it's an annual event here in Willowbrook a bit like the Thanksgiving and Christmas festivals. Oh, and then there is the Spring festival, the Easter parade, Homecoming event and. I'll stop there, if there is one thing Willowbrook is known for, it's the number of festivals and parades it has.

"Sure is." Dad says, "and I'll be making the float for the team to come through town on." Dad is pretty handy with his hands and his passion is carpentry. He loves working with wood and is pretty impressive. Mom has a beautiful dining room table and chairs all carved by my father's own hands. Their matrimonial bed is also carved by him, it is something out of the world. All walnut with a high headboard and cherubs decorating it, birds, and vines. If he decided to change profession, he'd make a good living, but dad says, he wouldn't want to turn his passion into his bread and butter.

"I sure can't wait to see that, then." Debs says. "Okay you folks, let's get these tables organized and start bring you some food out."

"Thanks, Deb, Honey." Mom says. I notice how her hand is still in my dad's. It's so romantic. I want to have what they have one day. Only, chasing my profession may mean it never happens for me.

The door chime goes. As I turn, he takes my breath away with his broad shoulders, narrow hips, and muscular legs easily identifiable in tight jeans. With his cowboy hat on at an angle, Logan is so damn arresting. My breath hitches. Damn it, that man is going to be the death of me. I'm already pooling just looking at him. Am I salivating? Holy shit, you know what? I think I damn well am. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance, Small Town Romance NovelWhere stories live. Discover now