Chapter 24

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"You're going to have to run down, Logan." I say pointedly avoiding the fact that he is now so close to me that all I can do is remind myself he is not what I want. His intoxicating smell is hitting me right in the clit. The cinnamon notes not wasted on any inch of my body. His rugged face sporting some shadow and bristle makes my hands want to reach out and stroke it. Good Lord.

The way he is intently looking down at my ankle and probing it trying not to hurt me, makes me want his fingers to travel further up my leg. Holy Shit. The look on his face is concern and I know he has gone into full doctor mode. Good. Because I need him to stop talking about me getting back in his bed. Although, I have to admit I am getting strong flashbacks of being in bed with Logan. I feel myself heating up and hope he hasn't noticed as he brings his eyes up to mine. I can only imagine my pupils have dilated and my blushing is a huge giveaway. Don't you just hate it when your body deceives you like a traitor?

"You don't have much of a choice to be honest, Sage. You're going to have to stay in Bryce's cabin until I can get some help. If you put pressure on it, you'll be off it an awful lot longer than you want to be." He says matter of factly. And of course I know he is absolutely right. I sigh.

Hector is lying down beside Logan's booted feet like the obedient dog that he is. His big brown puppy-dog eyes are watching as Logan's strong hands assess the damage. This is so damn inconvenient. A nice gentle morning walk was all I wanted and to get to the top for the view across the town of Willowbrook and further in the distance to the forests of West Virginia and the peaks. Alas, now I sit here with his hands roaming freely over my ankle and his touch is like velvet.

"You have to go back down, Logan and get some help. For sure I can stay at Bryce's but all your talk about sharing a bed is never going to happen. When are you going to get that through your thick skull? Besides, my folks will start getting worried if I'm not back later today. You know what they'll be like. A search party will be out and that's just wasting valuable resources. You know the marshal will get on it if they go to him about me being missing." He chuckles because he does of course know what my folks can be like.

The last time I went missing was when I was seventeen. It wasn't as if I had literally fallen off the face of the earth. No. Logan and I had driven off to a spot between Copper town and Willowbrook, there's a clearing where you can park up and hook onto the bonnet and just gaze up at the stars and the moon. That night is exactly where I was with my guy, making out and having wild fun. Only, the next minute we're both dazzled by strong headlights practically blinding us and the marshal's voice of the time, hollering out both our names. Shocking especially since my panties were already moved to one side and Logan had two fingers inside me. I groan now as I think about it. We had to beg him not to let my parents know what exactly was going on.

Thankfully, Marshal Clint had seen a thing or two in his day and Logan and I were not the first kids he'd ever come across in the middle of a making out session.

"Yeah, I know what they can be like. Do you remember when Marshal Clint found us?" He chuckles, it's deep and throaty. His eyes light up. I know what it's like to fall right into those damn warm, sexy eyes of his. It's not going to happen, Sage. Get back with the programme. My warning stands no chance against his touch, his throaty chuckle or his eyes caressing every part of me right now.

"Do not remind me." I pause, my mouth is dry. His head is not that far away – how easy it would be to kiss him. Holy shit girl. Stop it right now. Lusting after Logan is so bad. Instead I find my voice. "So, it's settled. You'll go on down and get some help. You can leave Hector with me if you like, I wouldn't mind the company." Hector lifts his head at the sound of his name. I'm hoping Logan says yes and that he leaves him with me. Though I know it's perfectly safe up here, there is no telling how long Logan will be in getting me some help. Usually, the rescue team is pretty quick which I know from experience since I was volunteer for a while back when I was a student.

"Let's get you up to the cabin. I know you don't want to even touch me right now, Sage but unfortunately you're going to have to allow me to pick you up and carry you." I balk at the idea.

"Any excuse right? I am pretty sure I can manage the last couple of hundred meters. Do not put another hand on me."

"Fine, have it your way but don't grumble about the pain. Why you gotta be so damn stubborn all the time is beyond me. Can't you accept a little help every now and then? I'm only offering to make it easier for you. Don't flatter yourself that the minute I get you in the barn, I'll be tearing your clothes off and making wild, passionate love to you." He is angry with me now, I can tell the way his eyes darken and how he is now standing with both hands on his hips and his feet hip width apart. There is definitely something quite sexy about Logan when he's mad. Am I going insane thinking like this? I feel like I am. The thought of him throwing me on the cabin's single bed and tearing my clothes off like a wild man causes a stir in my lower region, I try to squeeze my legs together. He raises his eyebrows but thankfully says nothing.

"Alright, already have it your damn way." I huff and puff like a five year old not a thirty-something year woman. We're all entitled to a little huffy puffy moment, right? And with one sweep I am up in his strong arms, my legs over his left arm. His smell fills my nostrils. Instinctively, I want to nestle my face into his neck and smell him some more. Crazy moment. So damn crazy. He makes me feel as light as a feather with those biceps of his popping his tattoos.

Holy shit, I could be heading for a whole big bag of trouble here. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance, Small Town Romance NovelWhere stories live. Discover now