Chapter 1 - We Are The Way Out (1:1)

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Author's Note: Let's just say if these are the only way out and the galaxy's only hope, the galaxy is screwed. Something is seriously wrong with all of them. :( xDXD 

~ Rivana Rita

This is for the Clone OC bingo square of "dreams". :)

~ Amina Gila

"Vision, you've been staring at it for fifteen minutes," Omega says, appearing beside me. Maybe she's been beside me for a while and I just noticed, I don't know, but I twitch at the sensation. I didn't know she was here.

"I just keep thinking about what he said," I tell her, not tearing my eyes off the image of Anakin Skywalker. It's strange, how even when I see him in holos – which I've seen because I... well, know a thing or two about hacking skills now, thanks to Tech – I can still see that... fire. It's strange. But it's warm, and it's warm in a way that I want to have back. I... like it. Him. I want to see him again. I don't even know why. "I thought I was the only one with these... abilities. I want to know more about them. I want to know what makes me special."

Omega is different than me. She wouldn't know what that means to me, even if she... understands it conceptually, as Tech would say. I'm pretty sure I only conceptually understand what conceptual means.

"You're special for more than that," she argues.

I don't break my gaze. "Not really. And Hunter's only been able to help me so much." My abilities are hard. Everyone knows that. I can hardly manage to have visions of useful things. It's usually useless, and I'm trying to train it, but I don't know how. I have to wear gloves a lot of the time, so it doesn't randomly distract me when I'm training.

That happens sometimes. It's creepy.

It happened with... Anakin once. That was weird.

I can sometimes tell my brothers stupid things that are going to happen, and I've been able to predict at least three reg squabbles so far. I'm still a bit proud of that.

I refocus at present, still staring. "I think... he could. But he's a Jedi."

"Viz?" Omega says suddenly, softly, quietly, and something about the way she says it, so quiet and nearly scared, sends a shiver snaking down my spine. "I..."

And that's when I feel it. Something has been bothering me for hours now, and I haven't been able to focus on anything, even things I like doing. And now, all I feel is a strange, icy, inky blackness. It's in my mind, a gnawing, lancing agony, and it's burning through every inch of my body.

"What is that?" I rasp, hand pressing to my head.

It feels like crying. Something is crying.

It doesn't really feel like it's inside me though. I don't know what it is, but it's dark and... terrifying.

Something's happening. I know it. I feel it.

And then I See it.

The light is fading, shrinking, drawing in to one tiny little central part of the galaxy. And that's overrun by a "he must stand trial!" and "he's too dangerous to be left alive" and I see that fire again, that fire drowning black.

And then... I hear a voice nearly too soft to be real, something silky smooth and soft at the edges – "Rex, what's going on?" and I see the familiar face of a certain blond-haired clone. Rex. His name was Rex. And I see the way his face twists with a sense of horrified realization, and my heart breaks at the strangled "stay back". I somehow don't even need to see how that scene will end to know.

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