Chapter 13 - We Have Gone Too Far (1:9)

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Author's Note: I could scream about how incredibly Mandalorian Hunter's protectiveness is, but... there's no need to write a fangirl speech about it. :) xD

Also, idk if Tech wasn't in the back in Canon because he doesn't have a rack there, or where in the galaxy Echo was at the time, and why Tech was sleeping up front instead, but it's post-Bracca. And do you really think either Hunter or Tech would be okay with sleeping right by Wrecker so soon? And how could I miss the chance at tRaUmA –

PS. I'll be taking a break from posting this fic in February. :)

~ Rivana Rita

I move out of the gunner's mount when Wrecker comes back to take over – Hunter's been treated.

"The only vessel in our scanners is Crosshair's and he is right on top of us," Tech is saying when I step into the cockpit and swing onto the seat by Hunter's. He's wrapped in a nearly ridiculous amount of bandaging, but I don't know the extent of his injuries. His bodyglove is down again, hiding the injury entirely, and Echo must've given him pain meds, because he looks fully coherent right now.

"Tell him to get off," I grumble, "Sitting on people is rude."

"And laying on them isn't?" Crosshair's voice snarks in my mind, and I bite my lip. He's not here to make any snarky comments, or for me to throw them back.

"It's getting hot back here!" Wrecker yells right after I feel the ship jolting again, and I wince.

"Prepping to jump," Tech says.

"Not without Omega!" Hunter argues instantly. Omega. She's not here, and I can't – I have no idea how to function without her. What am I even supposed to do without her beside me? It was different on Kamino, when we had something to do, when I knew when I'd see her again. But now? I have no idea who's after my sister or what they want with her, and why.

We need to get her back.

"The bounty hunter who took her is long gone. We'll have no chance of finding them if Crosshair shoots us down," Echo argues fiercely, spinning his seat around, ignoring Hunter's glare.

"Rear deflector shields are failing," Tech calls.

Hunter sighs, though I can see his wild desperation that I fully second. "Make the jump," he orders, and Tech pulls back the lever. We streak into hyperspace, and I watch numbly. Omega was here, and we have no way of tracking her.

She's my sister, and she's gone. We can't – we need to find her, but I have no idea how. I don't even know where to start. What are we supposed to do? I give Hunter a helpless look, but he's the one who's hurt, and it feels wrong to rely on him right now. He was shot, and that's not going to be a fast fix.

"What do we do?" I ask finally.

"We've gotta find that bounty hunter. Tech, see what you can find."


We end up just sitting around for quite a while. Hunter's description was detailed enough for Tech to figure it out, but Cid doesn't know anything about him, anyway. Tech also makes the supposed marvelous discovery that Omega's unmodified, which is old news, thanks, Mr. All-Knowing.

Nothing really matters, and Wrecker moved the energy-bow to the gunner's mount where I sit alone, leaned up against the wall with my eyes half closed.

I'm not going to sleep until we find her again, though I have no idea how long it'll be. It feels wrong to even relax right now, when I have no idea what's happening to my sister, if she's being hurt or – or what.

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