Chapter 4: We'll Never Walk Alone (1:2)

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Author's Note: Everyone wish Hunter luck for trying to convince a six-year-old that decorating a ship with battle droid heads will make the Bad Batch a horror show. :)

And I have so many feels about Hunter just flipping and yelling at Omega like that. Like. Sir. Is this normal?? Did people do that to you when you were five??

~ Rivana Rita

PS. This is for the Clone OC Bingo square of "first experiences". :)

~ Amina Gila

I can feel it more than I see it. Something is wrong. There's a danger here, somewhere amidst the city's walls and bright lights and towering buildings. Someone is watching us. 'mega is sticking next to Hunter and I, but something... The image flickers and flashes at the edges, rewritten by something else. I hear Omega's voice, muffled but panicked, and I see someone – someone grabbing her.

Someone – I don't know them, but they're masked, and dressed in black and orange, and she's scary.

"Vision, Omega, wake up." I shift a little at the sound of Echo's voice, twisting over a bit, nearly smacking my head into my sister's arm. Omega pushes himself up first, and I swing upwards out of her lap, rubbing my eyes. "We're approaching Saleucami. We'll be landing in a few minutes."

"Saleucami," I repeat, testing the word, "Never heard of it before."

"I haven't been here before," he replies, "The others were, before I joined."

I glance around to see Wrecker slowly dragging himself up, still cradling Lula like she's his most prized possession, which really, she is. Crosshair made her. I... want to remember him, too. I want to know why he isn't with us. "Is it... a safe place?" I inquire, my dream still lingers in the forefront of my mind.

"Hunter wouldn't be taking us somewhere that wasn't safe," Echo replies.

"I had a dream," I say, rubbing my eyes, trying to blink it from mind but not quite managing. It was scary, and now that we're moving in the outside world, I know we're going to encounter things that we... didn't expect. "I think someone's after 'mega. I didn't get a clear look, though."

Echo looks at me, brow furrowed with worry. "We'll be careful," he promises, and we move for the ramp.

This is the first time in my life I've been off Kamino, and we're going to a different planet. I've wanted this my whole life.

Omega and I are the last to the exit, pausing at the top when the light blinds our vision. I've never been outside in sunlight before. It... it's amazing. It's beautiful, and the air smells so... different than Kamino. It smells like... outside. Saleucami, I guess – that's what the planet's called.

There are plants everywhere. And it feels so alive.

I trot down the ramp behind Omega, who drops to her knees the moment she reaches the bottom, running her hands across the ground. "Whoa," she breathes, awed, "What is this?"

"That would be dirt," Tech informs immediately, bluntly, and I drop into a crouch to jab at it, just to see what happens. It's soft and... sort of sticky and grainy and weird, but by the stars, it is so cool.

"It's amazing!" Omega giggles, standing and jumping in it. It whips up in a sort of cloud when she kicks it.

I dig my fingers into it, feeling the soft wetness beneath my hand and scoop up a handful, just to smell it. Pretty sure it's inedible, anyway. "It's cool," I say finally, shaking my hand off and standing again, "Do plants eat it?"

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