Chapter 7 - Don't Need No Favors (1:5)

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Author's Note: This is for the square "freedom" on the Clone OC bingo. :)

~ Amina Gila

Everything was going perfectly and completely okay – until Hunter tells us to go back to the ship. So predictable. "Seriously?" I huff, crossing my arms. "Right now? On our first mission together? We're gonna just hafta sit out forever?"

"That's an order," Hunter cuts off my gripe tirade.

Omega looks just as grumpy as I do about it. "Yes, sir," she agrees dejectedly, and I stomp off back towards the ship while the boys move out.

This is stupid.

Not like I know enough to fly if they need an emergency pick up, anyway.

"We... can start repainting our trooper," Omega offers. "We can make her a Bad Batcher, too."

"I need to paint a skull," I decide. "I need armor myself, actually. I don't think I'll be able to convince Hunter to get me any, though."

"Probably not," Omega agrees, and we get to work. Gonky comes over to us to watch as we work on repainting her – adding a red stripe to her armor like all our brothers have and painting a white skull. My half looks terrible, even if Omega's isn't much better. I don't even know how our brothers got such cleanly painted skulls – I'm looking at Crosshair for that. It shouldn't even be possible. Most of what Crosshair does shouldn't be possible, though.

Gonky honks at us, presumedly asking something or just wanting attention. "We're making some alterations to our trooper," Omega replies, holding it out to the droid, "Now she's a Bad Batcher. What do you think?"

The droid honks its approval, and I'm mid reaching out to pat its top when I hear something.

"We found their ship," a voice says, and Omega and I freeze. We? The slavers, probably. That's not good. Echo explained they capture and sell people or something, and that's definitely not something I want to think about happening to us.

"Gonky, hide," Omega whisper-hisses, before we scramble to hide behind the seat.

The droid just locks himself down and shuts off – probably smartest.

"We hafta leave," I whisper, eyes darting around. They're looking for us, and I'm not afraid of just taking them out, but not on our ship. I need to get a clear distance, a clear shot, and a view of what's happening, first. My eyes fall on the hatch below the gunner's mount. "The hatch."

"I'll get it," Omega mouths, darting over to it.

"Check the hold," I hear someone saying, and they're coming closer. Fast.

Omega ducks through first, and I shadow a second behind, jumping onto the ground below. "Come on, we need cover," I urge, grabbing her hand and running for the towering rocky formations in front of us. I hate to leave Gonky behind with those people, but we don't have much choice.

We pause, catching our breath and I draw my blaster. The Zygerrians are leaving the ship, heading back for their speeders – I need to learn to fly a speeder sometime.

I peak around the corner, but they're distracted. They don't see me, or it, coming. Probably, we could hide and wait until they leave, but I want to do something, and we can do something. I won't let them do anything to our ship, to Omega. We can't wait until they see us, and there's something about them that just makes my skin crawl.

They Look different, dirty, and it makes every instinct scream at me to end it, so they stop hurting everything around them.

I inhale deeply, closing my eyes and raising my blaster. I can See the targets, and in that moment, I just... let go. It's a strange feeling. I fire once, then again, in rapid succession. It reminds me of how Crosshair and Tech can scan heat signatures – it's sort of like that in my mind, where everything is black except what I need to hit.

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