Chapter 15 - We Move Too Fast (1:11-12)

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Author's Note: Bonding with the kids and Echo, and Ryloth begins. Enjoy all the feels! :'D

~ Amina Gila

Omega and I do, in fact, go a few rounds. Hence, this.

"It's not winning if it's cheating," Omega says sullenly.

"It's not cheating," I insist, grinning. "Using all my skills to my advantage isn't cheating." Let's be honest here – someone needed to win against her once. I don't care if I used my vision abilities to predict all her next moves after doing a detailed analysis of how she does things.

It took ten rounds, but I still got one win, so it counts. Honestly, I have to be better than her at something sometimes.

It's also been over a week since Bracca. I've honestly lost track of time. Crosshair has been away for so long.

That's not something I wanna think about, though.

"You used your abilities to see what I was gonna do!"

"And you do the same," I reply smugly.

"But I can't See like you can!"

"Better," I object, "I think you read minds."

Omega blinks. "I... can do that?"

"Dunno, but I got my Force-sensitivity from somewhere, right?"

"Force-sensitivity is not strictly inherited," Tech replies, always happy to burst my bubble.

"I hate you," I tell him seriously. I'm not even kidding.


The mission is... it is, but it's night when we get back to the Marauder. It's a quiet, peaceful place, and we opt to stay overnight, or until Cid calls us off again. The... original three Batchers are squabbling about something too fast for me to even get a word in, and I lost track of the conversation somewhere midway.

Omega pokes my arm, gaze on the open ramp, and my head snaps around. Echo's sitting outside alone.

"Oh," I breathe. This's happened before. It's familiar, something I can actually deal with. I used to struggle with it too in the beginning. Still do now, but it's worse for Echo, because he actually had another squad before coming here. He knew people who died. I can't imagine that.

I move outside instantly, and the other three are a bit too preoccupied to comment. We're with Echo, anyway – it's fine.

I drop myself beside him with an unnecessarily loud thump, and Omega sits on his right a moment later, far more gracefully. "Hey," I say, leaning my head against his arm. Echo looks down at me, quiet. "Mind if we stay?" It's a pretty rhetorical question because no one wants to be alone.

"No, it's fine."

Maybe he's trying to make us accept him as much as we have in reverse. He wanted to stay, and the points to which the Batch went to make him feel accepted were a bit insane sometimes. They would do anything for him – he's the first person who wanted them.

On this note, there's a ton of things I've been waiting to ask him about.

"You okay?" I ask on second thought.

Echo sighs. "Dreams."

I wince. We've all dreamed about Bracca. I've heard it. Echo doesn't sleep much in the first place, but I've heard the others waking up sometimes, half panicking. It was hardest on Wrecker. Between that and Crosshair having shot him back on Kamino.

"What was your old squad like?" Omega queries curiously.

"Well," Echo replies thoughtfully, "There were five of us. Hevy was our leader. There was Cutup, Droidbait, Fives, and me." This is the longest I've ever heard him talk about them. I've never really heard their names before. Fives is the only one I know of, half because he gets so sticky about the number.

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