Chapter 11 - Call Us Contagious (1:7-8)

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Author's Note: Thoughts anyone? :)

~ Amina Gila

I'm on something... hard, and I try jerking, but something's holding me down. "She's waking up," a voice says from very far away. The voice is... oddly smooth – name – name – 02 – what was his name

Familiar. I can't feel my hands still – they're faint and tingly, but memories are flickering in bit at a time.

Right – Tech. That's Tech. They're traitors. They – I have to – I try moving, to push myself forwards and to standing, to finish the mission but I can't move. My fingers twitch uselessly, and I focus on breathing and trying to get my eyes open and figure out what in the stars is happening.

Everything's quiet, too quiet, and...

Oh, great.

Some genius decided it was a good idea to stun me, and then they tied me to a chair.


That is why I can't move, and I let out a furious hiss when I jerk against the ropes.

Scratch the idea of gutting someone. I am going to gut every single one.

Unless they do it to me first, of course, though for some reason the thought of Hunter stabbing me doesn't feel quite right.

I pry my eyes open, blinking against the dim but still present light. Don't know why I expected something else. I recognize the smell, too, no matter how stale it is. We're in a medbay, and – Wrecker's unconscious on the medtable. Omega's curled up next to him, decidedly miserable. Hunter and Tech are sitting beside him, too, but they have their eyes pinned on me, as does Echo who's standing nearby.

Right, the medbay. We were here to – to –


Oh no. Nononono – my only purpose was to serve the Republic-now-Empire and they can't – take that.

"Vision," Hunter says, pushing himself up the moment he sees me stirring.

I snarl at him, and he pulls back, something flickering across his face. "Stay back," I yell, squirming, but that's the most I can do. Well, I could kick him if he came close enough, but I'd probably miss. My arms are tied, so yep, all I can do is squirm.

And I am so, so angry.

"What is wrong with you?" I yell, and the sheer frustration finally makes me snap.

"Vision," he repeats, pausing, hovering a distance back, hands raised. It's cautious, a point that he's not planning to hurt me, but I don't like it anyway. "We're not trying to hurt you."

"Yes, you are!" I yell back, tears burning my eyes. I'm scared and I can't do anything, and it's getting under my skin in a way nothing else can. I hate being helpless. I squirm again, but I can't do anything.

"Viz," 'mega says, jumping up and walking towards me. I flinch back, glaring. She freezes, looking a little stung, but approaches anyway. "It's okay," she tries, one hand touching the edge of my chair. I glare at her, tears burning my eyes. She betrayed me, too, and it's – it's Omega. She's my sister, and I can't... understand how this happened.

We should've stayed with Crosshair, but we left him.

"We're going to help you," she tries hesitantly.

Tech stands, crossing the room out of my line of sight. My eyes narrow, and I whip around to face Hunter again.

"This isn't you," Hunter tries again, stubbornly, and it – it's Hunter, who has always helped me, but he's not now. He's not, and it hurts. I really just want to cry. "We're gonna help you."

VisionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz