Chapter 6 - Don't Need A Hand To Hold (1:3-5)

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Author's Note: Adorableness continues. Don't think about what's happening with Crosshair right now. :D Also, I should probably hate Cid, but I don't. Idk. Doesn't mean Vision agrees. <3 xDXD

PS. This is for the square "facing fears" on the Clone OC bingo. :)

~ Rivana Rita

"Hunter, wake up," Omega begs, shaking his shoulder.

I sigh, pushing myself to my feet, even if I don't want to stop touching him right now. Not at all. I want to cling to him and not let go, just to make sure he's here, alive and breathing, not somewhere far away like Crosshair is. "Echo? Wrecker? Tech? ... Hi?" I call into my comm. "You there, or are you ignoring me?" Probably, only Crosshair would do that, though. "Hmph. Guess we'll hafta finish the mission on our own."

Omega looks up at me, worry written on her soft features, before she twists to watch the dragon.

"We'll be fine," I assure, "I know what I'm doing." And yeah, I'm a terrible shot, and terrible at just about everything, actually, but I can still protect her.

It's sitting atop a rock opening that must lead into some underground cavern, seeing as it crawls down inside.

Omega sighs, pushing herself to her feet, picking up Hunter's flashlight and blaster. "We have to get the part," she says.

"Yeah," I agree, "Me first." I'm the one who's been trained. I pick up my blaster again, keeping it in my hand in case the thing comes back. "Can I have the flashlight?"

"Be careful," she requests, holding it out to me. I can see the genuine fear in her eyes.

I nod, taking it. We move forwards together, cautiously. We're alone, and I climb up, swinging myself over into the opening and sliding down. There's a rustling and quiet thump as Omega lands beside me, and we creep forwards. It's a little clumsy, and I instantly understand why my brothers wear gloves. I'd like to, also. The rocks are so rough.

We make a few turns before reaching a slightly wider area. "There." Omega points through the darkness, and I refocus the flashlight. It's the capacitor alright.

I brighten instantly, darting forwards.

"Guess we got lucky," Omega says cheerfully, moving forwards to take it. Considering I'm the one with the flashlight and blaster, that's probably best.

I have that prickling feeling again, then I hear a snarl. The thing's back again, and I freeze up instantly. That thing nearly killed Hunter, and I have no doubt it could get us, too. And I cannot lose Omega. A month without her was torture, and I can't – can't –


I whirl around, snarling, blaster aimed in one hand, shining the flashlight at it. I don't even think.

The dragon jerks away from the light, then twists towards us, snarling. Omega flinches back, covering her face, and I throw the flashlight at it instinctively. Which is stupid because that won't make it stop but the thing literally jumps it, chomping down on the center battery.

I gape at it, mind blown.

"Come on," Omega says breathlessly, tugging at my sleeve, and we turn, scrambling away. Omega picks up the capacitor and crawls out of the hole, me right behind.

Through the darkness, I see Hunter's dimly lit form approaching us. "Are you okay?" he asks, darting to the rock structure, reaching out to help Omega to the ground. He takes me a moment later, lowering me to the ground, and I savor the touch more than I should.

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