Chapter 3 - Call Us the Wrong Crowd (1:1)

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Author's Note: I... made everything happen here the way I did for a very specific reason. I'll have a post-chapter note to explain, to avoid spoilers. ^-^

~ Rivana Rita

This is for the Clone OC Bingo square of "sacrifice". ;-;

~ Amina Gila

"Honestly, what are we supposed to do if we need to use the 'fresher?" I gripe as the ray shield closes behind us. The regs just look at each other and shake their heads. Do they think this is funny? Because I'd kind of like to throw my boots at them if I could. Scratch that, I'd like to throw Wrecker at them. I've been unbearably short-tempered since whatever happened to the Jedi. Not sure why, but it doesn't really matter. Doesn't change how I want to beat up every single one.

"I don't think they care," Omega says, climbing onto the bench and staring at the ray shield.

"That's rude." I spin around, hands on my hips, glaring. I'm scared, but my fear is mostly anger. We're stuck here, and somehow, we have to find our brothers again, though I have no idea how.

"Nala Se will get us out," Omega says, though she sounds worried. I don't think she's right about this, though.

I glower at the regs again for good measure before spinning around sharply enough that my boot screeches against the floor, stalking across the cell. "Assuming she even cares to."

"She – she will," Omega insists, though there's suddenly a nervous note in her voice.

I spin around again, crossing the cell. There's nothing to see here, but I have nothing else to do. "Y'know," I yell to the guards, just for good measure, "You could at least try being a little nicer to your sisters." I should practice my fork-hitting techniques more. Seriously. Right now, I'm just bored out of my mind and angry.

It's a while later, when I'm starting to get minorly tired that I idly start tracing my fingers across the wall. Almost instantly, I feel a twinge of energy on my hand, and then...

There's a crash as Wrecker slams his fist into the wall, hard enough to dent it in. "It still didn't work!" he groans, crouching in front of it.

"Oh, yes, it did," Tech replies, approaching and nudging him aside. "Look."

"They're gonna come back," I state, blinking, hand pressed to the wall. It was right here, and Wrecker hitting it apparently is our way out.

"What?" Omega asks, jumping off the bench and approaching me.

"I Saw it," I explain, "They were in here with us. Wrecker punched a hole in the wall."

She blinks, then giggles. I can't help joining her – it's so stupid and so obvious. Of course, he's strong enough to punch his way out.

"We told them not to come back," 'mega says, once she finally stops giggling.

I smirk, sliding down along the wall onto the floor, hand still pressed to the wall. "Yeah. But really, when do we ever follow orders? Or even semi-sane advice, for that matter?"


"Yup," I agree with equal cheer. "They'll be back. Besides, they won't leave us behind." Which is... good. I don't know how we'd ever find them if we had to go looking. We'll make it out. We'll be fine, even if it's not gonna be an easy fight.

The untamed excitement on Omega's face makes me smile. This is what she's been waiting for – a chance to get off Kamino, to be with her brothers. To be free.

"We'll be together again," I tell her, mindful to keep my voice down to avoid alerting the guards. "Like we used to be." Way back, at first, I could hardly sleep or think without her nearby. I've been forced to grow more used to it, but I still don't like it when she's out of my line of sight.

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