Chapter 10 - We Can't Be Caught, Oh No (1:7)

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Authors' Note: Yes. I changed a line or two just so Vision could make a stupid joke about it. What of that? I have no regrets. :) xD Also, it feels like this is her first real time to shine and alter stuff/be taken into account, so I'm a shred proud about that. <3

~ Rivana Rita

'mega and I usually share a carton of Mantell Mix, because we don't need much more than that. We have enough to eat, with the missions we're going on for Cid. It's tight, but we can manage. Cid was not happy about the droid head failure, but she let us stay despite the fit she pitched about it. We owe her now, though, which isn't ideal.

We're on the way back from the mix stand when I feel a prickle of something. I don't know what, but someone's here.

Wrecker enters the parlor first, pausing. I glance up, to where our brothers are gathered by the table, eyes instantly falling on a very familiar white and blue armored clone. His hair's blond, like – is that him?

"Well, look who it is!" Wrecker booms, bouncing down the stairs and scooping Rex into a hug. "Come here, Rex."

I laugh, partly at the disgruntled sound Rex makes, partly at Echo's frantic attempt to keep from smirking. If Rex is here, what happened to Anakin? And his Commander – er, former commander or whatever? Are they alright? (They are. I know they are, because some deepfelt instinct whispers it to me.)

"Good to see you too, Wrecker," Rex wheezes.

"I thought you didn't like the regs?" Omega queries as we approach.

"This is Rex's bestie-brother-something," I inform her, "He's different. It's different if they're cool."

"This one we like," Wrecker agrees, spinning around and setting him down. Rex shoves him back and throws a wary sideways glance at him, and I crack up all over again.

"Omega, this is Rex," Hunter says.

Rex turns to us, 'mega actually, crouching. "I've met many clones in my time, but never one like you." Hunter and Echo exchange glances in the background, while Tech just watches.

"Is it the blonde hair?" I snip, "Or the fact that she's a she, because she's the second sister you've met – okay, whatever. Technically she's the first." Omega is, in fact, my mother, which is weird but like. She's still my sister first so...

"You're a generation one," Omega says, studying his face.

"Now how'd you know that?" Rex queries, slightly amused, maybe slightly weirded out.

"From the lines on your face."

Rex laughs. "Yeah, I guess I've been around."

"Can I ask you somethin'?" I query, shifting from one foot to the other. It's a nervous habit, but I don't even care.

He looks at me expectantly. "What is it, Vision?" He remembers my name. I don't know why that means so much, but it does.

"When... when it happened and – the order, whatever happened. When everything went Dark, I Saw you. You were... somewhere, and there was someone else there. I..." Why does this mean so much to me? I don't really know them. "I'm wondering if she's alright." I can't quite meet his eye, maybe because I know what I'm asking. That was a Jedi.

I can envision his surprise, either way. "We... all make different choices," Rex responds finally, "We parted ways, and I don't know what happened after."

I don't really know what that means. "Do... you know what happened to Anakin?" He's the only Jedi I knew, and he's the only person who Saw things like I can.

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