Chapter 21 - Everywhere I Go (1:16)

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Author's Note: Can I just say that Hemlock's audacity to say 'she means nothing to you' infuriates me beyond words? (And if he doesn't take that back, I will contact my squad of eight enhanced clones who will personally express the sheer hatred I feel in the form of VIOLENCE–)

PS: Yes, that last line was inspired by this Gonky video I watched forever ago, and I'm sure no one knows what I'm talking about but me. :')

Also, apologies for the insane length. ;_;

~ Rivana Rita

I still feel numb when we finally reach the landing platform. Nothing but numb, as I climb the ladder up to the top, and Hunter helps pull me up. The others are climbing up behind me, and Omega is moving a little past us, toward where the city remains are smoking in the distance.

It's been hours. I have no idea how long, but I'm so tired.

"It's... all gone," Omega whispers, tears hovering in her eyes as she stares at it.

I've dreamed about this almost every single night since we first left Kamino, and now it's happened. I was ready. Omega wasn't.

I slide an arm over her shoulders, over her bow, tugging her to my side. I think we're still the same height, but we won't be much longer, and that feels wrong. I'm not supposed to be older than her. I'm six. She's twelve.

"We knew it was gonna happen," I say, and that's the first thing I've said since we went into the water. My hands are still stinging, and I don't even care. "Knew it was coming." I blink a few times, half expecting there to be tears in my own eyes, but there's nothing. I'm still damp all over, but the sun's out now and it's... beautiful.

It hurts.

It feels fake.

The sun is rarely out on Kamino. Of course, it is right after our home was destroyed, the day we lost everything . Of course , today is the day the eternal night of Kamino decided to lift.

"We should leave before the Empire's scouts show up," Tech says, and I hear them shuffling around behind us.

"You coming with us?" Wrecker asks. He sounds wary. Worried. Hesitant. I can hear it, too.

"None of this changes anything."

I turn back from Omega, hand sliding off her shoulders as I turn back to face Crosshair.

He's still glaring. He's always glaring. I wish he'd... stop being like this. I know what it's like to be constantly angry, though. I know what it's like to hurt everyone I love. To feel alone. Lost.

That doesn't excuse him from shooting Wrecker any more than when I tried to.

"You offered us a chance, Crosshair," Hunter says, approaching him. I don't know how he does it. Stays so calm and unemotional. I'm not sure there's anything left in me to fall apart. Maybe he can say the same. "This is yours."

"I made my decision."

"And you didn't choose us," I whisper.

He's not coming. He's not coming.

That's the first thing that breaks through the fog of disbelief in my mind.

Crosshair's just... leaving us.

Walking away.

As if we didn't risk everything to come here to put our family back together. As if I didn't argue with Hunter so many times because I wanted to get him back. As if I wouldn't have been willing to die if it meant he could be home again. That he wouldn't have to be alone, that our brothers could finally be happy, that Omega could finally have everyone she wanted.

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