Raymond Leon- Secretly

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Me and Ray had a relationship for quite some time now, 5 years to be exact. We always held it a secret, a Timekeeper and a ghetto woman, a weird and funny comby, but it got more complicated as my brother, Will Salas, got 100 years and we switched the time zone. It was really bad, my boyfriend a Timekeeper, paid to keep stolen time and my brother who's accused of stealing time and to make it a worse bother I was also pregnant in the second month.

We were currently at a rich party and I was standing in a corner of a room and drank a glass of soda. Will was out with the rich girl Silvia and I just looked over the room to see if anything excited would happen.

And exactly that happened, the doors suddenly opened with a loud thud and my boyfriend and a few of his colleagues walked in the room. I walked a bit more back, but knew that he knew I was here and probably wanted a explanation. I saw how they took Will to interrogate him and bit nervously on my nail.

That was until suddenly chaos broke lose, Will took Silvia and escaped the party. I walked in a back room and suddenly bumped in a chest. It was a Timekeeper who tried to grab me, but I began to run quickly, until Ray stood in front of me and just picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder in a shift motion.

"Ray, let me down."
I said and held onto him slightly so I wouldn't accidentally fall down.

"Can't do, Darling. Your brother got you in big trouble and I want a explanation and that now."
Ray replied sternly and carried me in a empty room like I weighted nothing and then sat me down on a desk in front of him and stood in front of me.

"I don't even know myself Ray he just said a guy names Henry gifted him 100 years and now I got 20 years and he got 1000 or something."
I said and looked up at him while I explained him everything I knew.

"So you're in the dark, just like we are."
Raymond replied and kissed my forehead lovingly.
"How's the mini Ray?"
He then asked and put his hand on my stomach with a soft smile.

I chuckled and looked up at him while I put my hand over his.
"The mini Ray is doing great, strong heartbeat and grows like a good baby."
I then answered and smiled.

"That's my baby. Already as strong as me, how are you doing? Any problems?"
He then asked a bit concerned again and put his hand gently on my cheek.

"No problems and now I even have a bit time, even if I can't keep it."
I said and smiled while he stood between my legs and smiled down at me.

"Don't worry, I'll just say you're the wrong woman, you'll keep the time, I promise you. I'll be better there for the mini Ray."
He said and smiled at my stomach, causing my heart to swell with love and affection.
"Now, miss, I must get a kiss, official order from the chief of the Timekeepers."
Ray then said with a little smirk on his face as he held me by my waist, me pressed up against his body.

"Mhh can't deny the law then."
I said and chuckled slightly while I sat up straighter as Ray leaned down and locked our lips in a kiss, finally after days. I didn't even notice how much I missed this until we finally kissed again after days.

"Now, I'm gonna catch your brother, before he does something even more stupid with that Silvia."
Ray said and placed a kiss on my forehead, flashed me another smile and ran his hand over my stomach one more time.

"Mhh don't be too rough on him."
I said and smiled as I watched him leave the room already again, knowing that now I was in New Greenwich we could spend more time, especially after his work hours, causing me to leave with a good feeling in my stomach and a soft smile resting on my face.

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