Cillian Murphy- Sick

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If Cillian was sick, he was stubborn, stubborn about being healthy, not caring how much prove he had that he wasn't, like today.

It was the middle of the night when he started coughing, sweating, I woke up from it and turned over to look at him, a bit worried.

I whispered and placed my hand on his chest as he was already awake from all his coughing, I put my hand on his forehead as I noticed his sweat, he was burning up and that quickly.

"I'm okay, just a dry throat."
He then rasped out and smiled slightly while he sat up, trying to reassure me he was telling the truth.

"Cillian. You're burning up."
I said and sat beside him on my knees, caressing his cheek softly while pulling him a bit closer to me.

"I'm not. I'm alright and you know it and I know it too."
He stated stubbornly and I could see how he was shaken slightly from the fever.

I said softly while I looked up at him with a soft look in my eyes.
"You're shaking, you're burning and I can see how pale you are."
I then said, feeling worried and wanted to take of him, but he was stubborn as ever and tried to not let me see that he knew I was right.

"I'm just thirsty and tired."
He said and kissed my forehead softly, his hand and whole body shaking slightly.

He was pale, his eyes were bloodshot and his shoulder slumped down as he was clearly a bit weak and now getting really sick.

"Alright, then I'm gonna get you some water."
I said and smiled slightly, planning to use the old tactic my mother always used with me and mix some medicine in the water, as if we was the child he acted like right now.

I chuckled slightly at the thought and then got water and poured a few drops of fever medicine in it and mixed it together before returning to Cillian.

"Thank you, darling."
Cillian muttered tiredly and gulped down the whole glass, cringing slightly at the taste, since the medicine was bitter and didn't really mix in the water.
"Did you put something in here as if I'm a little child?"
He then asked and raised a eyebrow while he looked up at me as I stood in front of him.

"Yeah, cause you're acting like one. You're sick, Cill."
I said softly and stroked through his hair softly while smiling slightly.

"Maybe a little."
He then admitted and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer so I stood between his legs as he rested his head against my stomach and took some deep breaths while I stroked over his back with my fingernails.
"Mhh thank you that you're taking care of me..."
He mumbled tiredly, taking really deep breaths as he trembled in my arms from his sudden fever.

"It's gonna be alright. I'll help you, babe."
I said softly as I hugged him softly and kissed the top of his head. I felt worried as I saw him sweating and trembling.
"Lay down again. I'll get a cold rag, some medicine and water for you."
I said softly and helped him lay down again as I stroked over his head softly beofre getting some things to help against the fever.

"Thank you, Y/N."
He mumbled and turned around to sleep again, pulling the blanket up further as he breathed shaky.

After a few minutes I came back and turned Cillian over again and put a cold rag on his forehead, tapping off his sweat softly as I carefully helped him sit up and handed him water.

"Drink that water and then you can sleep, sweetheart."
I said and kissed his cheek as he slowly sipped on the water, the fever seemingly to get worse as the time passed by.

"Thank you..."
He mumbled as he finished the glass and handed it back to me while he just laid down again and looked up at me as I stood in front of the bed. I then laid down with him and put my arms around him, cuddling closer.
"Daring, you'll get sick if you come so close."
He said, once again more worried about me then about himself.

"Mhh, don't worry I'll be alright, Cillian."
I said and smiled slightly while I looked up at him, his hand stroking through my hair as he sighed, giving into my cuddles as he drifted off to sleep within seconds.

Well, turned out he was right, I was sick only a few days later, but I didn't care because I knew I took good care of him that night.

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