Shivering Soldier- Cold

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I was on the little boat from my family as I spotted a man on a sunken ship or something.
"Dad! Forward is a man on a ship."
I yelled and ran to get a rope as we carefully drove closer to it. I handed the rope to my brother who threw it in the water as the man didn't answer at first. He then jumped in the water and we managed to pull him aboard, it was freezing cold and I couldn't even image how cold the water must be.

"Hello sir."
I said and quickly grabbed a blanket and wrapped it carefully around him as he made himself small in a corner of the boat, he seemed so scared and traumatized, I wondered what happened.

"What's your name?"
My father asked, but got no answer as the man continued to stare at the ground while he shivered from the cold. We left him alone for some time and then I walked up to him.

"You're ice cold, you'll get sick. Do you at least want a tea?"
I asked carefully and sat down in front of him, on my knees while I looked at him, studying his features and admitting he was really attractive.

"Tea? Ok."
He whispered and I smiled with a nod while I walked bellow the ship and got a cup of hot tea.
"Careful, it's really hot."
I said and handed it over to the man who took it with a slight thankful smile.

It was a few hours later the man was asleep as he suddenly jolted awake and looked forward.
"Where are we driving?"
He asked his voice clear and pretty attractive while he looked a bit anxious.

My father answered calmly and as I looked forward I saw black smoke rising in the sky and got a bit concerned.

"No, no we're going to England."
The Man replied, almost like he didn't want to believe what he heard.

"We have to go to Dunkirk first."
My father argued and I decided to go bellow the deck and stated to boil tea again, until the man came downstairs with my dad. He looked anxious and scared so I gave him a reassuring smile while he slowly moved in the small sleeping space with a slight nod. I then walked upstairs again and sat down on the front of the ship, looking forward where we are driving to.

I was sitting there until we heard some knocking sounds and shouting from bellow the deck, from the soldier who got locked in by my brother, I quickly ran down and opened the door, but he already climbed up through a small window on the ceiling. He then started arguing with my father and I returned to the spot where I sat before, at least until he accidentally pushed George down the stairs, he only starred downstairs and couldn't believe himself.

"Hey, sir. Come on."
I said soothingly, hoping George would be alright and pulled him away, seating him outside again, me sitting down beside him.
"George is strong, he got this, don't worry."
I said reassuringly and looked up at you at the man that was basically still a stranger.

"Thank you, I uhh I'm Henry, Henry Wilson."
He then introduced himself, probably trying to get his mind off things.

"I'm Y/N Dawson."
I replied and smiled slightly at the man, who returned the smile. I then just sat there with him. Our arms were touching and it was a comforting warmth, I wanted more of it, since it was cold and I was really worried about George.

"You have a beautiful name."
He said and sighed, I saw that he was clearly troubled, scared and anxious, so I decided to hug him tightly. He was really surprised and tensed at first, but then accepted and wrapped his arms around me too, it was a tight and warm hug, shielding eachother a bit from the cold wind of the sea it was almost comforting, so we just continued to sit there and hugged eachother, I felt my father's and brothers eyes burn into us after some time, but I couldn't be careless, I was starting to fall for this misterious stranger and it got me scared and excited at the same time.

We sat there for a few minutes until we pulled away and smiled at eachother. I then let go off him and walked bellow the deck, as I walked up again I saw Henry, he asked my brother for George and then flinched as we heard a explosion nearby, a ship had a oil problem and now we saved some other soldiers out of the water they got under deck and sat down on top of it, we then started to lead them all under deck and also received the information that George is dead.

"The boy, he'll be okay, right? Right?"
Henry asked, he voice dripping with fear and after a bit of hesitation, my brother nodded.

"Yeah, yeah."
He quickly said and Henry seemed relieved and walked away again, causing me to pat my brothers shoulder, I was pretty proud of him.

We then continued to save as many soldiers as possible until a fight plane crashed in the water and lit up the oil, causing it to start burning and along with it the soldiers. I stared at it in shock and felt a hand place on my waist, looking behind me I saw Henry who was trying to calm me down causing me to smile slightly and give him a nod of appreciation.

We now had a boat full of soldiers and a plane that was flying right in our direction. My dad instructed and my brother fired, we got it, we shoot it and it flew away, to our luck. I then sat down beside Henry again as he looked really shaken and almost panicking. I hugged him a bit from the side and kissed his cheek, he looked at me surprised and smiled slightly, but didn't comment it further.

After more days we arrived at Dunkirk and I got down from the ship it was a hard trip, but we made it, we saved many soldiers and as I got down from our little ship, I looked at Henry and he at me. We were silent as we stared at eachother, not really knowing what to say or do, but we didn't want to let eachother go and that was the only thing we knew for sure.

"I guess this means good bye."
I said with a bit of sadness and looked up at him. I hoped he would something, anything or even say anything.

"I'm gonna do something very bold and probably stupid now."
He warned and then took my face in his hands and pulled me in for a kiss, my face got pretty red, but I returned the kiss and closed my eyes as we did so, the feeling of his hands on my face was comforting and his lips were surprisingly warm as he pulled me slightly closer to himself and then pulled away after a few more seconds.

"It was bold, but not stupid."
I said as I looked up at him and smiled. I was feeling happy and was sure I wanted it. I wanted him.

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