Part 3, Chapter 1

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"Just Questionable Mortality"

1 Year, 3 Months In Ophelia City

It seemed so natural. I quickly adapted to the things around me while keeping almost everyone at a distance. I was beginning to think I was completely driving myself insane. Nothing. I made so much progress & now the trail has run cold. 

I called my family for the first time in a long time. Alone in my room, of course. "I am sorry I worried you. Training is taken very seriously at the company. How is everything in Portia' Port ?", I ask this a bit nervous. It's been a little over a year. So much could change without me even being aware of it ?

My fathers laughed before one of them answered me. They seemed amused I felt a bit left out, but proud I was "living my dream with no regrets at all". The truth is I am regretting a lot. What would my life have become if I ignored Yujin hyung' cryptic message to come to Ophelia City ? 

Would I still be in VR Chatrooms with my friends ? Would I still have friends ? Papa taking the lead on this question, "장주냐 형 용찬이가 여자친구랑 결혼을 하는데 훈련에서 빠질 수 없다는 걸 알기에 이벤트 전체를 촬영할 거예요." (Jangjun ya, your older brother Yongchan will be getting married to his girlfriend. We'll film the whole event as we know you can't leave your training.) They were so understanding. Model parents in my eyes. However, there was the looming dread we all felt from Yujin hyung leaving.

"Why did Yujin hyung leave ? You never explained it to me, Dad." I asked Dad instead of Papa because I know my other father wouldn't give me a real answer. "Why do you want to know ? Is everything ok ?" I reassured my father I was fine as I asked my question once again. I needed this. This could piece together why Yujin hyung left home so dramatically.

My dad sighed as he finally was going to answer me. He probably sensed I will just keep asking if he avoided. "Yujin was close with a girl from school. He claimed he'd follow her to Ophelia City. We didn't want him wasting time on this girl, but he claimed it was love... So he left the way he did."

This was the first I heard of my brother being in any kind of love with someone. "무슨 여자에요, 아빠? 이름이 뭐에요?" (What girl, Dad ? What's her name ?) Maybe if I can talk with this girl I can find out what Yujin hyung as been avoiding to tell me. "Myung-Hee. Cha Myung-Hee."

I sent my other brother wishes on his upcoming marriage & said my goodbyes. I quickly did a wide search for a Cha Myung-Hee. The results came up quickly. I called the number. Hopefully this was the one I needed to speak to. 

"Cha Myung-Hee ssi ?", I say as I hear  a voice answer nearly after the second ring. "This is she. How can I help you ?" I sighed as I got right to the point. "Does the name Yujin mean anything to you ?" 

I could hear her gasp slightly before a defensive tone came from her. "왜 내 남자친구 얘기를 하는거야? 너 신화 프로그램 망나니? 유진이는 너네 회사에 다시 안돌아와!" (Why are asking about my boyfriend ? Are you one of the mythology program bastards ? Yujin is never returning to your company !) I barely couldn't get to ask anything else before I heard my brother before the line went dead. He had a girlfriend ? Why did he cut the phone call short ?

I didn't have much to dwell on before I went to out with the others. The Ahjussi accompanied us this time so a spectacle was made. We essentially looked his security detail as he went to have a few one on one meetings with Dr. Lee to sell the investors on something.

I was a bit too in my head when J-Hope playfully bumped my shoulder with his. There was no doubt in my mind that those under the Mythology Program were certainly in the best physical shape. "What's on your mind, Jangjun ya ?", he whispered as we were in public. Generally he would've used my codename. "I just miss home, Six sunbae. I think I am just a bit worried I can never go home..."

I think what he said next was supposed to instill some confidence in me. To get me to understand they've all felt how I was right now. Well, what he thought I was currently feeling. "Ophelia City is nothing like other cities outside the dome. This city is what makes a person feel greater than human."

He followed up with a smile. I whispered my next question. "What do you mean, sunbae ? Are you just saying that ?"  Something un-human ? He smiled once more before he went quiet. Dr. Lee suddenly called him over as we soon made our way back to HQ. 

What awaits ?

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