Part 3, Chapter 2

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"Now It Is Known"

I was called in by the Founder. He looked pleased that I was "adjusting well" to my life now as an operative. However, what happened next was a shocker for me. "장준야, 네가 잘 적응하고 있어서 정말 기뻐. 네가 지금 가질 준비가 되었다고 생각하는 정보를 주기로 했는데, 그래도 괜찮겠니?" (I am so happy you've been adjusting well, Jangjun ya. I have decided to give you some information I feel you are now ready to have. Is that alright with you ?) I nod quickly as the Ahjussi takes the sweater out of the closet and hands it to me.

My hands traced the embroidered nametag. Sure enough my brother' name was the name on the tag. This was finally now confirmed. "Why are you showing me this ?", I ask carefully. I needed to be smart about this before something happens to me. 

The Founder chuckled as he fondly looked at the sweater. Well, it was more he looked at the sweater with disgust. The face of someone who thought they have been betrayed. "Yujin was a bright boy before he left. He would've truly made a great asset. Now that burden falls on you, my boy."

I gulped. Just what was happening. Will I finally learn what I've been trying to learn for nearly over a year ? "Ahjussi, what burden ?" The Founder smiled as he handed a tablet to me. The tablet was another form. An official form to be instated into the Mythology Program when deemed ready. I'd leave the trainee team... I looked up at him surely confused. "꼭 서명해주길 바래요, 장준야 일단 서명을 하게 되면... 그 어느 때보다 더 많은 정보를 얻을 수 있을 거예요. 당신이 찾던 비밀을 알게 되는 거죠." (I really hope you sign it, Jangjun ya. Once you do... You'll have more access than ever before. Learning the secrets I know you've been searching for.)

I couldn't give that up. I was finally being let in on the secrets I have been trying to figure out... I sat for a moment staring at the tablet in front of me. Was I willing to sign this ? Who knows what I am really signing away ? With Yujin hyung in mind I took a deep breath. It was like second nature. I signed the form & handed the tablet back over to the Founder who looked ecstatic.  

Almost instantly after signing Dr. Lee called me into the lab. "You wanted to see me, Dr. Lee ?" She nodded handing me a file. The very file holding all the information I have wanted to see for some time now, "I'll leave you here to look through some things, Jangjun ya..." She almost sounded a bit sad, but I quickly brushed off that feeling as I sat down at a desk. 

Once alone I opened the file. I can say I was shocked by what I had seen. I took pictures as I read. The dome wasn't some aesthetic structure after all. The dome specifically was made in collaboration with the beginning of the Mythology Program. 

The dome wasn't making Ophelia City stand out. It was keeping something hidden within it. Dr. Lee' notes detailed the Mythology Program extensively. The program was created when the Ahjussi brought Dr. Lee on to help gather his investors. The program itself was originally called "G.O.R.G.O.N." & a far stretch from what the program has created. I assume calling it by a supposed evil mythological creature is why the program' purpose was never found out by other operatives.

Dr. Lee was a phenomenal scientist. She accidentally was messing around with substances in her lab when she created what is now known as Chemical G (a chemical that only has been said to be at Syn.D because it is a highly unstable chemical). Just what did the Founder want from this ? The next few pages were charts & notes on the Mythology Program members. My hands shook as I read what was written in red ink pen: GODS HAVE BEEN REBORN SUCCESSFULLY. READY TO BE ACTIVATED.

I didn't have much time to process before I got a message. It was from the same unknown number. It was Yujin hyung.

[UNKNOWN]: Meet me. Now. 

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