Chapter 12, Part Two. This is Crazy! (Why do you keep doing that???)

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(Just a quick author's note. I just wanna apologize for switching between third person and first person, if it becomes too much of a problem you guys can address it with me and i'll go back and fix whatever I can. Thank you for tuning in let us commence forth.)
Y/N and Ruby were walking down planning to go to a nearby ihop. "So you can also suck animals blood instead of humans blood?" "Well it's more like any other blood but I have a longer grace period before I start feeling weak you know?" Ruby said looking over at Y/N with a smile. "Yeah i'm pretty sure I get it. So due to your surgery they basically..extended your need for blood and so you can walk out in the sunlight?" Y/N asked truly interested that his best friend is a damn vampire. "Yup yup!" "Do you want me to like..keep raw meat for you to eat?" "Oh, if you'd like too I wouldn't mind at all." She said looking cheeky. "Heh.. Mm. Hey sorry we had to walk I could've called a uber or something.." "Hey don't worry about it, it isn't that cold yeah?" "Oh's only November 17th.." He said now thinking about it. Started to get a little sad thinking about how time really will fly if you don't pay attention, and it's wild to think about in general. "Man..I lived another year." You said, hands in your hoodie pockets just thinking. "Yes you have and i'm very glad." Ruby ruffled your hair. "Dodged a bullet that day." "I still wonder to this day why he didn't push the knife deeper..maybe he was scared of actually killing someone and thought it'd be enough to back off.." Y/N said thinking about it. "The fact you want to break into a anime convention and do the dirty with animatronics. That kind you have personality chips or..souls of those strippers like you said. so they HAVE feelings and was gonna feel accomplished about doing so." "Y/N it's okay I promise." Ruby said reassuring him. "Sorry I always think of stuff in the past even though it's over. I always think of better scenarios or what I should've done.." He said and looked straight ahead seeing Ihop and other restaurants in the distance. "Hey we're almost there!" Y/N said and Ruby decided to bring up something. "I would say i'll pay you back eventually but..I kinda did before we wenttt..aahaha." She giggled after and Y/N's eyes widen. "Did you do that so you could get free food from me?!" "I wouldn't say thatt.." Ruby said letting out a nervous chuckle. "I would've payed for you anyway silly but thanks."
Time passes and they make it to Ihop both sitting at a table near a window. Y/N was looking out that window down the street seeing the original freddy's and Ruby would poke his cheek. "Hey don't worry about it. I bet your shift won't even be that bad." "Yeah i'm sure it wouldn't it's just more..different I guess. Maybe the less i'll think about it the less it'll become a problem."
Eventually the waitress comes over to the two. "Can I start off with the drinks?" "Yeah can I just get a strawberry lemonade?" Ruby requested and looked over at Y/N. "Oh i'll just have Y/F please." (Again if anyone forgot I don't know if it's an act thing but Y/F is simply for "Your favorite." alright let's get back in.) "Do you two know what you would like to order yet?" Ruby chimed in quick. "I want a T-bone steak medium rare please, with hash browns and scrambled eggs." She said looking happy and handed the waitress her menu. "Okay..and what about you sir?" "Oh, i'll take some pancakes sausage and eggs." Y/N said with a smile. "What type of pancakes sir?" "Y/F." "Alright how would you like your eggs?" "Can I have them Y/F please?"
"All right. I' ll get this in immediately so you guys can feast. i'll go get your drinks." She took Y/N's menu walking off. "Hey Y/N..Do you think we'll figure out this mystery?" Y/N looked at Ruby and he smiled. "As long as I don't have to fight anymore..I think we should figure it out quick and get the job done." He said feeling confident. He didn't want Ruby..or any of the girls worrying of that matter, but he wouldn't bat a eye of wanting to protect them all over again. "I'll risk getting sent to the hospital again if I can still see your smile and you laugh at my dumb jokes." Y/N said as Ruby looked deep in his eyes and she leaned on her hand just watching him blushing lightly and she just smiled and laughed it off. "I appreciate you more than you think I hope you know how much of a impact you got on my life okay?" Ruby addressed Y/N clearly. "Oh well let me put it this way..i'll fight another day so we can cuddle." Y/N said and Ruby's eyes widened and she got pumped. "We'll definitely get over this mystery to have none stressful nights worrying about this forever!" "Aaah..hey Ruby not so loud..I don't want people to stare." "! Dammit! i'm sorry!" Y/N started to laugh before putting his hand out. "It's okay silly, I promise." Ruby looked at his hand and at him before gently taking it and she held it with her other hand again. "I know you promised already..but I.."
"I want you to stay safe for me. Okay?" Ruby was surprised when Y/N copied her exact words. " did you.." "Like you said, I promised already so I remembered."
The waitress stopped by and dropped off their drinks."Your food will be done in at least 15 minutes alright? We appreciate you dining here today." She said before walking off. Y/N moved his hands and he would drink his drink and let out a small sigh feeling relaxed."So good.." Ruby looked at her drink and she took her sip happy with her decision. Both of them kinda just sipped away at their drinks before Y/N starts vibrating again. "? Popular aren't we?" "Uuu.." You reached for your phone to see the contact from Mary calling you. So you picked up. "Hello..?"
'Ah! Y/N you answered, I guess you haven't seen my texts..' "Oh, i'm sorry..well what's up?" 'I wanted to apologize for taking your shift! I hope you aren't upset I just can't make it tommorrow morning..' "Hey hey, it's okay I's for a good reason right?" Mary was relieved over the phone that he wasn't upset but she went forward to explain herself. 'It's just..I gotta visit my grandma a lot more..' "Oooh..I see.. So yeah it's for a good reason, you don't have to apologize." Y/N said speaking with a gentle tone to let her know that it's okay and well, Family comes first. Which made Y/N think..his grandma died on christmas a few years ago.. it was rough a few christmas' but since then every year you just are happy with the conclusion that you are alive. You lived another year, something some people have trouble doing which is see how the days come up fast when your busy and aren't paying attention. You feel as if time slowed when you thought about this that your choices matter. It's around that time and if you keep your word with the things you say. All will be good, just stick close to the people you love and..Will you ever feel broken? As you think of this you have flashbacks of hanging out with Vincena, Mary, Jane, and Katherine. Even Ruby, tee past few days have been the most crazy lately and it'll only get cranked up more and more. "Well you should get going, spend time with your family okay? You deserve it." 'Thank you so much Y/N..bye bye!' Mary ended the phone call and Ruby was just looking. "Sometimes it just amazes me how different you are.." Ruby said as if she was studying you. "Huh..? what does that mean?" You asked curiously and it caused Ruby to shrug. "Not even I know. But when I do, i'll let you know?" ". . Okay weirdo.."You said smiling at Ruby. "Man i'm hungry.." Ruby said trying to figure out why she was but now thinking about it..she hasn't ate much lately. Not on purpose or anything she only vividly remembers eating some snacks on the flight here but that was it. She could've gotten pizza while at the party but didn't for some odd reason.."Our food will be here soon at least, but do you sleep with your arms crossed on your back?" "You're only saying that because i'm a vampire aren't you.." "Pfft-..At least you know.." "Well no I can get comfortable like a normal human being." "I know I know." Y/N said before bringing up something. "So..who's the vampire in your family?" "My mother, she seduced my father that way." Ruby admitted. "I had a kinda just makes sense." Y/N said and the waitress would come by dropping their food off, it was currently 8:36pm. "Hope you guys have a nice day." she said before leaving and Ruby got her fork and knife. She immediately would dig in and you would follow in. "This is perfect." Ruby said looking at Y/N. "Yeah Ihop always does their thing with this. Never a time where something went wrong." Y/N said before thinking about it. "Well one time someone accidentally burnt down the kitchen..but that's when I was leaving and when I was younger."
Ruby looked at you with a half eaten steak in her mouth. "Oh..well were they okay?" "Yeah they were fine." You said before starting eating some more and the two would have their conversations for awhile, after they ate they cleaned up the table for the waitress and Y/N looked at Ruby. "Did you want dessert?" "Can I!?" She asked a little excited looking at the dessert menu she just ordered a slice of cat when the waitress came over to take the dishes.
Ruby leaned over to Y/N and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks love!" She said excited. Y/N blushed after getting that kiss and looked at the bill the waitress dropped off with Ruby's cake and Y/N took out his card for them to take. Ruby told him not to think too hard on it but he just couldn't shake it. Knowing he'd have to man up eventually and go through the fears all over again. Well at least no one will break into the damn place.
They came back with his card and Ruby looked at him and then checked her phone. "By the time we get home it'll be around nine and you'll have to get ready for work." She pounts and kinda kicks the ground but looked towards the exit. "Here let's go." She said and Y/N followed her out and they were back at it walking back to Y/N's apartment and Ruby was eating the cake on the way. "So..does that purple man thing work at the pizzeria..?" You asked as Ruby looked over giving a shrug. "I has to be the case." She spoke with her mouth full. "Jeez Ruby..Finish your cake first." Ruby swallowed and laughed. "Sorry sorry..But yeah I..believe so. And if we are right that means he's up to no good.." Ruby said plotting in her head. "I'd bring a knife with you just in case again, I mean you won't need it but it'll never hurt to be careful." She said just being honest.
(From now forward i'm gonna speed things up just a tad bit, because i'm starting to neglect this again and need to get to more of the action before I ghost this again so forgive me for going fast but I promise i'll make up for it.)
So then the two made it back to the apartment and Y/N sat on the couch and charged his phone. Looking at the news and saw the incident of the break in of fnia, literally a few days ago and wondering why their showing it now. "Oh what the hell..? Why are they showing it on the news? Hope the world doesn't see me.." He watched it more and just showed the people who tried breaking in got arrested and treated before going to jail. "I didn't even realize they'd broadcast that on tv. Hm..maybe to just show awareness? To be fair everyone who drove by just saw caution tape and thought he place was gone forever." Ruby said to herself and Y/N looked at Ruby. "So does nobody like the original Freddy's because of the anime conventions?" "Well study shows that the place is a lot more hygienic, the food is better and their a lot nicer to the kids anyway. Not that the other place the robots are mean they aren' interactive is what i'm saying." "That's a yikes.." Y/N said looking to the side. "what is??" "To some asshole that's just another stereotype." Y/N said but it was true, his intentions were to be honest though and Ruby's eyes widened before she started to laugh."Ooooohhh! No wonder!" Ruby said and then flops back on the couch and pulled her phone out and went to her social media just scrolling through her feed. "Hey ruby what day is it?"
"Oh it's Saturday, why?" Ruby looked over asking him. "I get paid tommorrow i'm pretty excited to go shopping for food." Y/N said relieved. "Glad Mairusu paid me for the days I was gone..i'd be broke this week." He said being grateful and just laid back closing his eyes. "Well take me with you so I can shop and meal prep for us!" "Oh yeah..?" You said listening but you felt tired again and Ruby was going on about ideas on cooking so you don't waste money eating fast food before and after every shift or even on your off days. "So maybe this week we can do spaghetti or like alfredo or any pasta for that matter and-" She got cut off. "Uh-huh..I hear you.." You said falling asleep slowly now. "Yeah with some garlic bread! And and-.." She stopped when she heard him snore and she just stared at him for awhile before looking back at her phone seeing the time and she curls her legs close to her bottom just relaxing while she scrolled through social media as time would pass and fly.
To Be continued in Chapter 13, I don't wanna be here!
(2531 words)

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