Chapter 5: Unexpected Encounters

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Kiara knocked on Remus's office door before he gave her permission to enter. She walked into the office, shared by all the previous Defense Against Dark Arts professors. He was writing something behind his desk, where he sat, before he looked up and saw her.

"Kiara! Come in," he said and gestured to the seat in front of him, "sit down. How are classes going for you?"

"It's good so far. You're a great professor by the way. Why didn't you take a teaching position sooner?" she asked him, curiously.

He laughed, "Long story. This year the opportunity presented itself and I took it."

Kiara glanced around the room before taking a seat. He sure did make himself at home in here, Kiara thought. Then she addressed the matter she really came to talk to him about, "Will you be okay tonight?"

Lupin looked surprised by the question because the last time he was asked that question, it was by Kiara's father. She reminded him so much of Sirius, a little more every day. But unlike Kiara's mother, he loved that about Kiara. She was all that was left of the people he thought he would have forever.

He had been on his own for quite some time now, so he appreciated that she cared to check in on him. He smiled and nodded, "Yes. I won't tell you where I'll be going because I don't want you to come after me. It's dangerous."

"As long as you're okay to make it to class," Kiara teased him with a small smirk.

Remus laughed anyway before his face took on a serious expression, "Have you told Harry anything?"

Kiara frowned, shaking her head, "No, you said not to."

"He had a nasty little encounter with a Dementor on the train to school. He was lucky I was there," Remus told her, "I'm thinking of teaching him the Patronus charm if Dumbledore allows."

While this was important, Kiara did not want to talk about Harry. She had bigger things on her mind, "So, have you seen Father? Has he tried to contact you?" she asked Remus, hopeful. She felt bad for what Harry went through with the Dementor, but he was not exactly on the top of her list of concerns.

"No, I'm sorry," he answered her, much to her disappointment. She shrugged it off and they continued to make small talk before she politely took her leave to go to the library.

Morgan was supposed to meet her there so they could study together. Of course, she was not there. Kiara found an empty table and settle down on it and opened her books to start her assignments. She heard whispers from the table in front of her and glanced up to see Cedric and his friends. The moment she saw them, his friends ducked their heads down as if they weren't just looking at her.

Cedric, on the other hand, waved her over, whispering, "Join us!"

She shook her head, "I really have to get my work done."

"We're doing homework too," he points to the opened textbooks on the table.

Kiara raised her eyebrows, "Doesn't really look like it."

He turned around and looked as though he was gathering his books as his friends smirked at him. He got up and walked over to Kiara's table with his book bag and books in hand.

"Do you mind if I join you?" he asked in a whisper.

"Okay but seriously I need to get my homework done," she told him, laughing quietly.

He nodded, "Me too, and let's be honest, I wasn't getting anything done with my friends anyway."

"Yeah, Morgan was supposed to join me, but I have no idea where she is," Kiara shrugged, going back to her Potion's table.

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