Chapter 15: Hufflepuff

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Cedric and Kiara walked into the library together before he immediately scouted out his friends. The two of them joined Rory, Anthony, and Malcolm at the table they had claimed. They had their books out but only Anthony seemed to be doing any homework.

"She said yes, boys," Cedric said to his friends has they sat down.

"Congratulations!" Malcolm said, smiling at Kiara and Cedric.

"Thank you," Kiara replied as she opened her Arithmancy book.

Rory cleared his throat and said, "So I'm thinking of asking Julia to the dance."

The boys groaned and Kiara looked up from her books. Malcolm put a hand up to Rory, "No, as cool as she is, she's drama."

"She's a Prefect, how much drama can she possibly be?" Rory argued.

"She started the rumors about Kiara and me," Cedric inputted, glancing at Kiara. She decided it was best to stay out of it.

Rory looked at the two of them too, "And look how great that worked out..."

Cedric opened his mouth to say something but stopped, smiling. Anthony shook a finger, "No, we're still voting no on this one."

Kiara frowned, "You guys vote on who one of you dates?"

The boys glanced at each other, before shaking their heads. Rory, who was sitting across from Kiara, said, "Not if it's something serious. Of course, we'll put in our two cents, but anyway, since none of us, aside from Cedric, are seeing anyone, we're just having fun."

"Well," Anthony started slowly, "things with Samantha might be getting serious."

"Well, no shit," Cedric grinned, slapping hands with his best friend. Kiara didn't even know Anthony was seeing anyone, so this is news to her.

"It's about damn time," Malcolm added, messing up Anthony's blond hair.

"You're going to love her, Kiara," Cedric told her, smiling.

"Yeah, she's a sweetheart," Anthony blushed.

"Did you already ask her to the ball?" Rory asked him and Anthony nodded.

"Who else would I ask?" he replied, shrugging.

"Now we just need to find dates for you, two," Cedric said, looking at Rory and Malcolm.

Rory shook his head, "I'm asking Julia so I'm done hunting for a date."

Malcolm smirked looking at the boys, "I'm not going to ask anyone."

"Why not?" Kiara asked, curiously.

"Why take a girl when I can steal a girl there?" Malcolm winked and the guys frowned.

"No, you're going to look like a loser without a date," Anthony shook his head.

Malcolm shrugged, "I have time to change my mind."

"Yeah, but all the good ones will get snatched up first," Rory reminded him before gesturing to Kiara.

Cedric grinned, placing an arm around Kiara, "You're damn right."

"We should actually get some homework done before practice," Malcolm changed the topic.

Kiara sensed Cedric looking at her so she turned her head to meet his gaze and he asked, "Do you want to come watch practice tonight? It's a little boring but it'd make my night a lot more interesting if I see you in the stands."

"Well, if that's the case, how can I deprive you of that?" she joked, grinning, "What time do you guys start?"

"In two hours. It's two hours long and you don't have to stay the entire time, if you don't want to," he told her, "I'm just glad you're coming."

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