Chapter 19: Home for the Holidays

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When Kiara stepped off the train, Jenna immediately rushed over and embraced her. Remus was close behind Kiara and joined the little family reunion. Jenna had invited Remus to stay over at the house over winter break, so he was going home with them. However, Kiara had her suspicions that Remus was really coming over to discuss the situations with Sirius.

"How are you?" Jenna asked her daughter, kissing her cheeks.

"I'm good, Mum, how are you?" she smiled at her.

"I'm good, I'm good! Let's get you two home and fed!" Jenna looked at Remus and Kiara, smiling.

"That would be lovely, Jenna, thank you," Remus smiled back at her, before gesturing for her and Kiara to go before him.

"You lot aren't coming back to the house?" Arthur Weasley asked Jenna and Lupin.

While the adults talked, Kiara scanned the station for Cedric. He was with his parents and looked up to meet her gaze. He smiled beautifully before waving her over. His mom caught the motion and followed his gaze to look at Kiara curiously. Kiara glanced at her mom who was still talking to her uncle, so she left them to walk over to the Diggorys.

She smiled, politely and a little nervously. She had never met a boyfriend's parents before, not officially. Cedric was nervous too, he had never introduced a girl to his parents before, but more than that he was excited for them to meet Kiara.

"Mom, Dad..." he started but Mrs. Diggory reached out to take Kiara's hands in her own. While Kiara had met Cedric's father before, she never seen his mother and Mrs. Diggory was not at all anything she had pictured. She was petit and gorgeous. She looked younger than she probably was and Kiara could see where Cedric got his good looks from.

"You must be Kiara," Cedric's mum grinned at her, "I've heard so much about you."

"I believe we met over summer," Mr. Diggory looked at her. He seemed to keep his distance and wasn't as warm as Mrs. Diggory, but Kiara did not mind much. She knew how protective Amos Diggory was of his son. Cedric was the apple of his eye, naturally he was cautious.

"Yes, we did. Crazy night, that was," Kiara said.

"Yes, indeed. I don't believe I thanked you for patching my Cedric up. Hopefully, he did," Mr. Diggory said, looking over his spectacles.

"Well, Cedric tells me you'll be joining us for New Year's Eve dinner," Mrs. Diggory says, kindly.

"If that's okay, of course," Kiara asked permission.

"We'd love to have you over for dinner!" Mrs. Diggory exclaimed, "It will be so nice to have another female in the house."

Kiara laughed, "I'd love to, thank you."

Mrs. Diggory took a step back before touching Cedric's arm and telling her husband, "Come Amos, let's give the kids some space," she looked back at Kiara, "it was really nice to meet you, sweetheart."

"You too, Mrs. Diggory," Kiara smiled back at her before turning her attention on the handsome boy in front of her.

"Well, that went great," Cedric let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"It did," Kiara grinned, "I think your mum likes me."

"Of course, she does," Cedric said, leaning in before placing a kiss on her glossy lips.

"I'll miss you," Kiara said against his lips.

"I'll miss you too, cutie," he smiled before kissing her again.

"Kiara! Let's go!" they heard Jenna call for her. Kiara pulled away from Cedric, before they both looked over at Jenna. She smiled at them before waving Kiara over.

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