Chapter 4

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Special thanks to: Devil's Casino by Vane (Maybe you would know what that was if you had good taste in music Editor) (Reply; Yea ok- be that way, I just won't edit for a week. Update; I didn't edit for a week. )

Cw micah tien references, addiction, 1 fourth wall break sorry

A lot can change in 2 years, and a lot has changed. To sum it all up, most of the crew made enough cash to settle down on New Luna. And most chose to do so after a few too many dangerous run-ins with the collector and government. We've switched from being just smugglers to more of a crime syndicate, controlling local businesses, forcing people to pay protection, smuggling illegal liquor. A simple mafia or so, I'd always say with a smile. Yukimura left us, finally, and Iris became our new pilot. Our current headquarters was a cafe loft, with The Damselfly parked in a nearby shipyard. I'm heading out the back door when suddenly Orion catches up to me.

"Hey where are you going?" He says, looking back.

"Casino." I reply, stopping at the car to unlock the door. Aw fuck- keys!

"Cool, can Jinny and I come with you?" I look back at Orion, caught off guard.

"Why are you bringing Jinny?"

"N-no reason. I just-" Orion stammers. My frustrated frown turns to a grin.

"OOOOOooooh! Sounds like someone has a crush." I crow.

"Shut up." He elbows me and looks up at the stairs behind us to see if anyone heard. I chuckle.


Jinny comes bolting down the stairs with the keys and jumps into the driving seat of a mag-lev car.

"Cmon get in!" They put a pair of sunglasses on and Orion snorts a laugh behind me. I roll my eyes.

God why did I have to let Jinny come.

As soon as me and Orion get in the car Jinny shouts:


My sigh is whipped away with the wind as Jinny hits the gas. We go speeding down the street turning left and right, Jinny drives with a maniac grin but I'm barely affected. Orion is, though, ejecting nervous pieces of information like, maybe ease your foot on the break a bit, or OH MY GOSH JINNY LOOK OUT THERE'S A PERSON THERE oH gosh oh dear. We speed towards the casino, Jinny slams the brakes, and we skid to a stop. Orion is shaking and Jinny helps him out, I take the opportunity and snatch the keys. We get off the mag-lev in front of our normal casino called The Devil's Deal. I walk in and see a couple of Sarenians standing around the bar laughing, drinking wine, and smoking. This casino is run by the Sarenian mafia but they'll let anyone in if they're making money. It's one of the only places you can drink in New Luna so we all come here loads. A pointy eared woman with pale blue skin and a suit walks up to me.

"Oh, 'ello! " She grabs my shoulder and turns us to look at a table where the game's in full swing. Some people look up at me and grin.

"How 'bout we start the show? It goes like this: You name your price and then, you roll the dice two times. Here the only limit's your greed! How many wins do you think that you'll need? How 'bout we start off betting a kiss? That way, both of us will win." She smiles in my face and I slip out of her arms and walk towards the machines.

"Fuck off."

"Take a shot, come on and roll the dice. Lady Luck may even be on your side! Gold's a small price to pay whеn gambling for fame, love and fortune." She calls as I walk off towards the slot machines. I swipe a card over the holo screens and put 15 stells into the machine. Shit. Well, I'm definitely gonna win next time.

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