Chapter 5

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Special thanks to: The Last of Us part two for teaching me how to write trauma.

Caffe Latte by Vane for giving me trauma. Seriously tho Vane whyyyyyyyy I'm crying rn.

Mafia definitive edition and RDR2 for teaching me how to write great betrayals (I'm sure that won't be important at all)

Is the movie smile good? I've been thinking of watching it.

I'd also like to thank every film theory for being what I watched while writing this.

Finally, this one's from the Editor, thanks to Bready Steady Go, from the Omari soundtrack, for being what I listened to on repeat while editing this. :D Enjoy!

Just listened to the song and it goes hard as fuck.

I listened to the instrumental track of Close your eyes by Kim petras while writing the chapter. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

Cw caffe latte references and death

Tau and I get into another taxi and head back to base.

"Do you think I'll be able to go on missions with you now?" Tau says, watching me fiddle with the bloodied cuff of my jacket sleeve.

"I don't know, a lot has changed." I say, looking out of the window. The car slows and I swing the door open.

"Why are we stopping here?" Tau peers, shielding their face from the sun.

"It's our base of operations." I say, leading them around the side. They stop, still staring at the front.

"The sugar rush cafe? Really?"

"What?" I look back. They shrug.

"I don't know, it's just so corny."

"It's a front, Tau." I whisper.


We go up the staircase and Tau takes the lead, going around, in front of me, and kicking the door open.

Every head in the room turns to the shocked expressions of everyone.

"Guess who everyone's favorite motherfucker is back from the dead?"

The room erupts into chaos as some people stand and most people run over. Some sob and others rapid fire questions, grabbing and peeking and poking to see if we were alive or if this were all some dream.

"Tau! Tau you're back."

"Is it really you?"

"We thought you died!"

"Are you ok??"

"How did you survive?"

Before Tau or I can say a word Antoni steps forward.

"It's amazing to have you back, Tau. There's a few changes that have happened that you should know about." Antoni takes Tau to a seat and everyone surrounds the little table. I nod at Antoni and he continues

"We smuggle alcohol now but still no drugs. Also don't go in any Sarenian owned businesses." I think to last night, and how we haven't told Antoni about our constant trips to the casino. He probably wouldn't approve.

"Oh and Bianca? You and Benedict should go collect protection money from that business down the road. Don't be afraid to remind them why they pay us if you get my drift." I smile and pat my pocket.

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