Chapter 14

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Special thanks to:

ME! Hay! It's me, the Editor! And I'm quite pleased to say that I've been tasked with this chapter, hope you enjoy!

I canonically have croc socks. It's a cannon event.

Friends and fools, school sucks.

All the time is burger time.


(If I get fired this is why... remember meeeeeee)


Let the violence ensue...

Anyways, let's fuckin start! >:]

We all sit silent on The Damselfly, Iris piloting us to Mars. All of us, the whole mafia gang extravaganza. Which, to dumb it down a bit, ment that this was basically an all-call. Though Antoni did order Orion to watch base and make sure no Sarenians would try to fuck with us while we weren't there. So most of us are on the ship, and all of us refuse to make eye contact with Antoni, who's sitting facing all of us, staring coldly. I'm looking at the floor, listening to Benedict nervously chattering about Mars.

"Enooooough. Pleaseee!" Tau finally groans, leaning on Jinny overdramatically covering their head with an arm. Benedict stutters to a stop and the silence is suffocating. Jinny gets a call and excuses himself from the room for a bit. Antoni doesn't say a word until he says two words catch everyone's attention.

"We're here."

Everyone stands except Iris who leans back in her chair in relief after hours of travel.

"Bia, Tau, Benedict, you're a group. Jinny, Iris-" Jinny interrupts Antoni.

"I want to be with Tau." Jinny says, grabbing Tau's arm and glaring at Antoni. He glares back and Tau stands there flustered.

"Fine. Go to this location." He says, messaging us the coordinates.

"The rest of you are with me." He continues. I think about asking for Iris to join my group, but seeing that Antoni wasn't tolerating anyone's shit, I decided not to. Though I did grab her on the way out.

"Hey, this is really dangerous, ok? Be safe." She whispers, brushing my hair back.

"Don't you worry reizend, I never die and the bullets never hurt me. I'm the best there is. Besides, I have someone to live for. Text me if you're in trouble, okay? I'll come running." I say, with a smirk. She nods and smiles back and I kiss her right before running off to catch up to my team. Tau and Jinny are quietly chatting at the front and I walk with Benedict, talking about the information Antoni sent us.

"You two what!?" Tau shouts, the sudden outburst catching my attention. Jinny is struggling while Tau grabs their wrists.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Benedict asks. I'm thrown off guard. It's always a bit of a surprise to hear him swear. Jinny tries to pull away but fails. I pull Jinny from Tau's grasp and they point a gun at Jinny.

"ALRIGHT, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON TAU??!?" I stand in front of Jinny, startled.

"NOTHING!" Jinny shouts. In the blink of an eye Benedict has Tau pinned and unarmed. They stand calm but still breathing heavily from the outburst.

"We asked, what the fuck is going on?" Benedict repeats. Silence.

"Nothing." Tau says, looking away. Jinny quietly sighs. Benedict looks at me and shakes his head, sighing too.

"Well then, we're keeping you two separate." He says, pointing at Tau and Jinny.

"Good idea." Jinny mumbles. Tau mutters something back, like "bitch," but I can't tell. We keep walking until we get to some large, fancy looking, shiny shit government building. I scoff.

"Here." I hear Benedict say into his radio. I'm looking around, scanning the outside of the building along with neighboring buildings too. Tau is on one side of me with their arms crossed and Jinny's on the other side of me, fidgeting. I sigh.

"Alright, listen up. If you two can't behave for right now, you are going back to the ship and you are not coming on missions, alright?" I say, making sure both of them are looking at me. "I mean, I can't focus on stopping you bitches from killing each other when I have other bitches to kill. So get your game on or go back home." I continue. They both nod at me after some staring. I realize how I just sounded and groan, dragging a hand down my face.
"Ugh I'm getting old." I mumble. Benedict laughs.

"Alright, let's go. We are to clear the path for escape. The other team is responsible for going after the leader. We're also setting up explosives." Benedict says.

"Why are we using explosives?" Jinny asks. Benedict looks at me and shrugs.

"For fun I guess." I say, laughing. This makes everyone smile at least.

"Let's go kill people and blow shit up." Tau says, smiling. We all rush towards a window and Jinny leaps first, shattering it. Alarms blare immediately and the halls blare red.

"NOW THIS IS A MOOD!" Tau grins. We speed through the halls, weapons and explosive devices in hand. We run, dropping an explosive every once in a while. After a good few minutes, we actually run across a squad of soldiers. Finally, the slow ass bitches. I think, smirking to myself. We all fire, not slowing our violent rush. We're well through the building when Benedict brings us to a halt.

"We're getting out of here!" Benedict shouts. Tau drops the rest of the explosives and we all look at the window, grinning.

"This isn't the first floor Bia..." Benedict says. Oh, I know. But I'm already off, sliding down the hall and flinging myself from what might've been the fourth floor. I roll onto the roof of the next building and stand up, raising an arm to the rest of the group. I wait for the rest of them to jump over. When we all are standing on the roof, we look back at the still blaring building. Jinny catches the rest of our group of shadowy misfits running from the back of the building, and I catch the first sight of the cop cars.

"Guess that's our cue." Benedict says, smiling. We all nod. I elbow him.

"How bout a quick cafe stop before we head back?" I say.

"No bread things though." Benedict jokes.

"Or cafe lattes!" I continue. We go back and forth, laughing.

"Or iced americano's."

"Or hot chocolate."

"Annnd definitely no debt money, or shootings!" I say, smiling, feeling crazy happy.

"Are you saying, no more cafes??" Benedict asks, a hint of drama in his gasp.

"I'm afraid so Benedict!" I sigh, holding back laughter.

"The most feared mafia banned from cafes around the universe!" I say, mimicking fake headlines, bursting into laughter.
"Do I want to know what's going on?" Tau asks. Benedict stops laughing first.

"Hah!" Benedict says, shaking his head trying to catch his breath. "No." He sighs. A light from the police cars flares and we all duck.

"Who's ready to blow this shit up?" Tau asks.

"Me!" Jinny says. Tau looks at him for a minute, the hands over the button. Jinny smiles.

"Yeah yeah whatever, press the button!" Tau says. We all rush to the edge of the rooftop and count down.



Jinny hits the button and we all run for it.

"Come on!" I shout, running wild on Martian rooftops back to The Damselfly, surrounded by red fire and red lights and red sand, knowing everyone was alive, running behind me.

End of chapter 14

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